Chapter 38

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The hotel was comfortable and you loved the change from William's house which you had been in for so long. You opened the window and felt the sea air against your skin, you felt freer than you had ever been since you had started a relationship with William. You watched as people walked around and how children played on the sand and the bathing machines as they rolled around the beach. You felt William approach and place his hand on your shoulder, gently stroking you.

"What are you looking at?" he asked, looking at the window.

"Just everything" you said, looking back at him and sighing, slowly you wrapped your arms around him and rested your head against his chest. William hugged you back, kissing your head and stroking your back. He knew you were still sad about what happened, he was also although he did not want to show it, nor could you in polite society but with him, you felt like you could grieve properly.

"Everything will be okay darling" he murmured as you let go of him and sat on the bed.

"Your right" you said, laying on the bed and sighing.

"You are hungry" William said, "Come, we must have dinner before you sleep"

You sighed slightly but got up, joining William as he opened the door and guided you out of the room and toward the stairs. Dinner service had started and you ate together, not talking much.

By the time you got back to the room, it was late and you were very tired, laying face down you sighed. William sat next to you and stroked the back of your head. "Tomorrow we can go out" he said, "I can hire swimming costumes and a bathing machine if you wish"

"That would be nice" you said, turning around and smiling. "I have never swam in the sea before"

"Nor have I" William mused. "However I will not swim"

"Why not?" you asked, pouting slightly.

"I just wish not to" Wiliam said flatly.

You shrugged and got up, looking through your trunk to find your bed clothes. "I will watch from afar with coffee and a paper, anyway I do not think mixed swimming is legal" he explained.

"Oh I see" you said, starting to get changed.

"And then after that we can walk on the promenade" William said, watching you.

"That sounds nice" you said, finishing getting undressed and pulling your night clothes on before getting under the covers of the bed, it was quite comfortable and you relaxed into it as William took his necktie off and placed it on the side. He pushed his hair back and sighed, undoing his buttons and placing the coat down. You meanwhile closed your eyes, wanting to get some sleep while William got changed and sat in the bedside chair, the newspaper in his hand.

"Sleep dearest" William said.

"Night Will" you murmured.

"Will?" William asked.

"hm?" you asked.

"None has ever called me Will" he said, slightly smirking.

"I can stop calling you if you want" you said, turning to him.

"It is up to you" William said, taking some glasses out of his case which laid on the bedside table and placing it on his nose. "Obviously it is informal but we are in an informal setting" he opened the paper.

"Okay WIll" you said, smirking. "I will see you tomorrow"

William shook his head, dipping his paper to watch your face which his eyes lingered on, the way your face relaxed and a slight smile fell on your lips made him just melt for you, although he would never show it. He did not go back to his paper, putting it down and watching you fall asleep before getting into bed himself and snuggling up to your back, kissing it gently as you slept. 

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