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My phone rang, the sound of the song played being the ringtone echoed through the room as I sat down on the ground hugging myself as cold hit me from every side.

I looked at my bloody hands as I glanced at Yeonjun's body thrown at the ground. The knife was just few centimeters far from it. As the screams echoes through my mind, I covered my eyes and silently cried as someone knocked on the door harshly.

"Y-You are lying...." I said in a shaky voice as I stepped back from Yeonjun. "No, I am not. You can go ask him yourself!" Yeonjun said. "But....he told me he was.....he is YG next boss you lying bitch!" I cried.

"It's not my problem you are too naïve to believe him." Yeonjun said. "N-No way....I..." I fell on my knees and started crying as I covered my face. Yeonjun sighed as he saw me and took out his gun to refill it. He then pointed it at my head. "Let's be friends in the next life." Yeonjun said.

What am I feeling? Why am I a scumbag??

Hyunsuk is the son of that fuck prick who killed my brother.....my Aria....my family....he burnt down my life but....Why do I still like him?


"You fucking bastard....." I mumbled as I grabbed the knife on the ground. "Did you say anything?" Yeonjun asked. I quickly kicked the gun, kicking his chin along and punched him on the face.

The next moment, I knew I was on top of Yeonjun as I grabbed the knife and stabbed him one time after another.



"You fucking li......"

I dropped the knife on the ground as I saw blood spilling everywhere. I gasped as I crept till my back hit the wall and I checked my clothes.


My white shirt was now a dark red one. My face had blood. My hands had blood. Every part of my body was stained with blood.

I sighed again as I covered my face not wanting to see the once alive body in front of me.

The door was forced open as someone broke it and I only closed my eyes waiting for someone to shot me dead.

"Y/N!" Karina cried. I opened my eyes widely and she gasped as she stopped walking and checked how her heels got splattered with blood. She then noticed the dead body and froze with fear.

"K-Karina...I...Hyunsuk....lied.....everything...." I cried as I forced words out of my mouth. Karina ran to my side and bent down as she hugged me strongly. "Are you okay??" Karina asked. "W-Why did you come here?" I asked with a shaky voice. Karina forced herself to smile as she held my face and tears fell down her eyes.

"You said....if you shot a gun I run....but you didn't...so I got worried." Karina said. "You asshole." I cried as I hugged her.

After I calmed down a little. Karina helped me get up and the two of us quickly escaped the room.

"It will be few minutes until they find out and set out to search for us." Karina said. "Don't worry, if we reach the electrical before them and turn off all the smart doors. They will be locked down here and die...." I said. "In the fire?" Karina said and I nodded my head. "I know that there are many innocent people here but..." I cursed as I closed my eyes getting memories of what happened to my house and everyone.

Karina held my hand strongly as she forced me to look at her eyes. "No. This is just a war. And such things happen all the time. Whether they are victims or not. War." Karina said. "You are right. We should stop wasting time." I said.

𝙻𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚕 | 𝙲𝚑𝚘𝚒 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚜𝚞𝚔 𝙼𝚊𝚏𝚒𝚊 𝚊𝚞Where stories live. Discover now