19. Avoid...Avoid At All Costs!

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The rest if the sleepover, Rainbow Dash more or less stayed in one place. She avoided Applejack a little, and she avoided Zephyr as much as possible, that was until...


"Hey Rainbows, you wanna sit on my lap?" He asked, winking. She sat there bunched up on the sofa, holding her legs, watching TV. She didn't answer him. She really, really, REALLY didn't want to. Zephyr leaned a little into her line of sight. She turned her head away from him, pouting. "Aww, dont be like that! This was gonna happen one way or another! Even your mother thinks I'm a good choice for you." He said.


Those words got her to turn her head in the blink of an eye to face him. She sharply raised a brow. "When I went to invite your parents to the mini soccer game, she said herself she hoped you'd accept me soon." He said leaning closer to her face. She leaned back. How could her own mother say something like that?! Her and Zephyr don't click at all! They are completely different! "Listen, why dont you sleep with me tonight? I promise not to bite?" He suggested, walking his fingers up her arm.


Based on what happened when she was drunk, now that she was fully sober, she didn't wanna think of what he would do. Sunset looked behind her to see Rainbow Dash laying back over the armrest, and Zephyr slowly approaching her. She shook her head and went back to watching the movie. "You know, it does get lonely in there. I'd be nice to have a FRIEND with me, you know?" Zephyr emphasized on the "friend". "You don't really have a choice. If you dont complete this challenge, that could ruin you...and I know how much you like to keep your reputation..." He said.


Rainbow's pupils shrunk in absolute anger. "Oh do you now??" She asked, sitting up sharply. "If you really understood that, then WHY THE HELL DID YOU MAKE ME WEAR THAT GODDAMN LINGERIE?!" She yelled. Zephyr shrugged. "Meh, for laughs. But I'm glad to see you decided to talk to me again." He said smiling. "What is wrong with you?! Can't you take no for a dann answer?" She asked, completely disgusted. "Actually, I can. It's just fun to bother you. Your friend gets it. I'm wondering when you will though." He said with an attitude. "Who?" Rainbow asked.


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