70. It Could Happen Again...

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They walked downstairs, where Rainbow Dash tried to hurry, but Zephyr convinced her to slow down, considering she was still sick. She reached for the front door, when Zephyr suddenly grabbed her wrist. "Uh- wait...." he said. She turned to face him. He sighed, and hung his head slightly. "Since your leaving, and this chance may never come again, can I kiss you? Just....one last time?" He asked, sadness in his eyes.


This tugged at her heart...just a little. She walked closer to him, and pressed her lips against his. He wrapped his arms around her, while she wrapped hers around his neck again. They stood there for a while, time slipping away the longer they kissed. They were interrupted by a knock on the door. She parted from the kiss and looked at him. "I'm so sorry Zephyr. But I want you to know that I do love you. And maybe, in the future, we just might end up together, or another opportunity like this will come again. I can't say that it's in the near future, but I can say that it might happen again. For now though, this is goodbye." She whispered, pressing her forehead agaisnt his.


She kissed him one more time before opening the door to leave. Blaze smiled as she walked out with him. She looked back at a smiling Zephyr, who tried to look happy, but his eyes said otherwise. He was devastated. She felt guilty, but she couldn't help her feelings. He just....didn't click with her the way Blaze did. Zephyr went back up the steps, and sat on the edge of the tub, staring at the outfit Rainbow Dash had once wore; and won't be wearing again for a long, long long time.


He sighed happily, yet very upset. He hoped that one day she would love him the way he loves her. In the meantime, he needs to try and get over her. As Blaze began driving back to his house in the moonlight, she was still silent. "Soooo, I pick you up, and I don't get a 'hello' or a kiss as a hello, or nothin?" Blaze said, not taking his eyes off of the road. "Huh? Oh, sorry. I just....I feel bad...." She mumbled.


"What's there to feel bad about? Sure, you might have given him an opportunity that is never gonna come again, but I hope this helped him get over you. I certainly didn't like sharing you, especially in your sick state." Blaze said jokingly, but also serious about what he said.


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