80. Blaze Gets His Explanation

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She gasped, and snapped her neck to see who was touching her. When she saw who it was, she didn't know how to react anymore. She just nestled into him and cried even more. "They're....childhood bullies...." she mumbled. "Huh? Who is?" He asked. "Those boys...at the mall...they bullied me when I was little..." she answered.


"Oh..." Blaze said, not sure how to respond. She continued. "When I was in the first grade, I was a part of the young track team. I had the endurance to run long distances, but I was super clumsy. On my first solo trial run, I immediately ran into a nearby trash can--" "And thus those 3 boys started calling you 'Rainbow Trash', which led to your entire class calling you that, right?" Blaze cut her off.


"Pretty much, yeah. I thought I had finally escaped them, but once I started getting popular, they seemed to pop up every now and again, reminding me of the horrible memories. That nickname just stuck with them. And I don't think they'll ever let go of it...and I have no idea why." She said, starting to cry again. He let her cry for a little while, as the breeze outside blew the leaves making a rustling sound.


Blaze suddenly got even more concerned, when he looked at Rainbow Dash. And watched as a magical glow made her turn even more gray. "Shit. This is bad....like REALLY, really bad. How the hell am I supposed to fix this? Based on what Sunset told me, I get the feeling that in this world, if she turns completely gray, she'll never be the same, it we won't be able to get the old Rainbow Dash back!" He thought to himself.


He smacked the back of his head on the wall of the small "treehouse", trying to come up with SOME way to make her happy again. He looked at her geode in his had, a small gleam came over it, emphasizing how silver it was, and it gave him an idea. He reached for her phone, and opened it, ultimately guessing her password.


He pulled up a picture of Fluttershy, and held it up in front of her. "Who is this?" He asked her. She sat up, and looked at him in confusion. "You already know who that is." She said, wiping her eyes dry. He repeated the question. "Who is this?"


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