103. Limo Carpool

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The next day, Rainbow was in the shower, when Lexi, her home system told her she had a text. "What does it say?" She asked aloud. She had a "Lexi System" in every room, for reasons like this. Especially in the bathroom so she could talk to people while she was bathing or showering. "It's from Blaze! He says: 'All the guys r here. When r u comin?' " Lexi said. "Tell him I'll be over in 15 minutes!" Rainbow replied.


"Message sent! Anyway, what are you wearing to this party girl?" Lexi asked. "You really wanna know?" Rainbow asked, turning off the shower and opening the curtain to step on her furry, cloud shaped bath mat. "Hell yeah!" Lexi responded. Rainbow held up the bathing suit for Lexi's camera to register it. "DAAAAAAMN! I see we goin for sexy this go round!" Lexi laughed.


"Yes I am. Actually, I wouldn't have been if I wasn't forced to buy this. Anyway, I'd better get dressed if I wanna make it in time." Rainbow said, quickly drying her body off. After she was done, she slid into the bathing suit, and applied sunscreen to her body. "You're not even outside yet! Why are you putting the sunscreen on now?" Lexi asked.


"I want it to settle into my skin by the time I get there, so the pool water doesn't wash it off." Rainbow answered. As she tied her hair into a high ponytail, Lexi spoke again. "THE LIMO HAS ARRIVEDDDD! THEY WAITIN FOR YOU!" Lexi yelled, scaring Rainbow Dash, making her jump. Lexi laughed. Rainbow grumbled and slid her flip flops on. She wrapped the towel around her body like a blanket, to hide the outfit, and grabbed her bag containing her clothes, fully charged phone, and charger, and left.


Rarity laughed and joked the whole ride to the mansion. Everyone was in their bathing suits, and Twilight and AppleJack were wearing their new ones, just like Rainbow Dash. Sunset was wearing her bikini, Fluttershy was wearing her bathing suit, and Rarity wearing new one that she had made. Fluttershy realized that the photo Sunset had showed to Blaze had Fluttershy in her diving outfit, not her swimsuit. She giggled, and had put her pink and green butterfly bikini on.


Pinkie Pie was eating a lot of candy for energy, while Rainbow just stared out the window. The limo driver pulled up to the Rider Residence, and told the speaker box that he had the Rainbooms. The gate opened and he drove into the loop. Chris, Blaze's Doorman and Butler, opened the door for the girls, and led them to the back pool. The girls stared in awe.


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