35. The Love Rhombus

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"I'm here at the mall. You wanna join me?" It read. Rainbow Dash nearly dropped her phone. "Are you okay Rainbow?" Twilight asked. Rainbow immediately picked up her phone again. "Yeah...Hey! Anybody want their usual drink??" Rainbow asked. They all nodded in unison, and Rainbow put her phone down to retrieve the drinks. "The Rainboom usual." Rainbow said to the girl working at the smoothie stand. She nodded and started making the drinks right away. She finished in record time.


Rainbow payed the girl and grabbed the tray of smoothies. She started walking back to the table, but had other things on her mind for some reason. She was so caught up in her thoughts, that right before she reached the table, she bumped into Blaze and nearly fell over. He caught her, and the tray of drinks, allowing each drink to fall in front of the correct person on the table, leaving Rainbow's drink on the tray. Sunset and the others looked up to see Blaze holding Rainbow's waist, and her arms around his neck.


Rainbow blushed as she looked into his eyes. "Oh. So that's why I didn't get a reply. You were already here." He said, trying to hide a blush of his own. He helped her stand up straight again, and set her tray on the table. "Hey Rainbooms. Keep bein awesome, kay?" He told the rest of them. "And, you look good in cute things like that." He said, winking at Rainbow Dash. He walked away with his hand in his pockets, and whistling the Rainbooms' newest song.


Sunset turned her head back to Rainbow, who was still blushing, and staring at her drink. "Looks like somebody's got themselves in a bit of a love triangle!" Sunset teased, sticking her tongue out at Rainbow. She slammed her elbows on the table, and held her head in her hands. "More like a love rhombus if you count AppleJack..." she mumbled.


The next day at school, Rainbow Dash was back in her normal skirt and shorts, wearing her favorite T-shirt, and cardigan. She was waiting in the foyer for Blaze to arrive. Zephyr walked past her, and only looked at her with a blank expression. She did the same, not caring about him at the moment. She wanted Zephyr to leave her alone forever. It was only Tuesday though. She had to wait 2 more days for things to finally be over.


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