87. Sassy Dashie 2

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"You actually remember my name?" He asked. "No, I totally forgot it. It's not like you bullied me for years, and I just never knew your goddamn name." Rainbow replied. Rolling her eyes. People wondered if this was gonna lead into another fight or not, so they ended up watching in silence. "You always were one to be quick with the comebacks." Hoops said. He looked back at where she was sitting, and she was gone.


"Huh?" He said. He looked at Blaze, who covered his mouth to keep from laughing out loud. Hoops then felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see Rainbow Dash. "Hey!" She said smiling. "Gah! How did you--" but before he could finish, she raced off with a Rainbow blurr, and was back in her seat. "What the fuck...." he said, wiping his eyes to make sure what he saw was real. "You really don't know her anymore, do you buddy?" Blaze asked, shaking his head.


"Of course I know her! She's a clumsy ass bitch. And she always will be!" Hoops argued. An extended "ooooooo" came from the crowd. "You're gonna regret saying that now....." Blaze warned. Rainbow slowly stood up. "Clumsy? Really?" She scoffed. She cracked her knuckles and her neck. With the quickest movements of her hands, she grabbed Blaze and threw him up in the air.


"Wait! I didn't wanna be used as a demonstration!" He yelled. The crowd gasped as she caught him with one hand, holding the bottom of his shoe as he balanced on her hand. "What kind of fuckin drugs are you on?" Hoops asked in astonishment. "None. I don't do that. Maybe you do, which might explain your stupidity." She answered casually. 


A corresponding "ooo" came from the crowd again. "That's great, but can you put me down now? Now that you're angry, I don't want you to take it out on me..." Blaze asked calmly. "Oh, don't worry. I'd never take my anger out on you...." she said tossing him up and catching him in her arms. She stood him on his feet, and he flashed a thumbs up.


She zoomed behind Smug, one of Hoops' friends. "Now, I don't know if you're aware...." she whispered loudly. She zoomed in front of Hoops. "But I'm a big deal these days." She said, then running in circles around them. When they were dizzy enough, she picked hoops up and held him above her head.


She prepared the throw him towards the fountain, and when he realized that, he grew worried. "WAIT! DONT THROW ME!" He begged.


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