Opening up(Jaden x Josh)

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Tatum Richards~ 5 years old, and a small girl for her age, her parents used to abuse her every day and she was raped multiple times by her father while her mother watched

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Tatum Richards~ 5 years old, and a small girl for her age, her parents used to abuse her every day and she was raped multiple times by her father while her mother watched. Her parents finally died when Tatum was 3 years old, she is now 5 and In the orphanage.

Jaden Richards~ 24 years old, married to Josh Richards, he is openly Bi  and has been for the past 6 years, Jaden and Josh have been talking about adopting a little girl for a long time. They have already picked out Tatum and know about her past. They are now picking her up.

Josh Richards~ 25 years old, Married to Jaden Richards, He is openly gay and has been for the past 7 years,  the two live alone in there own house with there three dogs Juice, Pickle, and Buddy. They have already picked out Tatum and today they are bringing her home.

Jadens pov:
I woke up and was extremely excited. Today is the day we get to bring our baby girl home. We have been waiting for this for so long. The adoption process was long and tiring. We had been looking into adopting Tatum for about a year now. But because of legal stuff the process was taking forever. And due to the fact that we had to wait on the judges final decision we unfortunately had to miss Tatums 5th birthday. Which was 3 days ago. But today is the day that we finally get to bring her home. Josh was fast asleep next to me when I sat up and looked at are alarm clock. I looked at the clock and saw it was already 9:00 am and we had to be at the orphanage at 10. I shook Josh awake making him groan.
J-"get up babe"
Jh-"What time is it angel?"
J-"9 we need to leave the house by 9:30 so we can be there right at 10" i explained getting up and getting dressed. After we finished getting ready we got into the car and started to drive to the orphanage.

Tatums pov:
I woke up and got dressed into a old baggy shirt with some jeans. I asked one of the older girls to help me do my hair so she braided my hair into two French braids. Today two guys are coming to adopt me and I'm super nervous. Ever sense everything happened with my family I have been super nervous. I sat in the corner and colored out of my coloring book. I sat down and finished coloring right when I heard the door open. I turned my head towards the door and saw two men standing there. I instantly got nervous and I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I watched as one of the boys bent down and gently moved a strand of hair from my face.
?-"Hey baby. Dont worry were not going to hurt you i promise you can trust us. My name is Jaden and this is my husband Josh" He said nicely while Josh came and bent down as well. I watched as miss.Rose took all of my bags from my tiny room to the car.
Jh-"alright baby girl you ready to go?"
I nodded my head and held both there hands as we walked to the car. They set me into the car seat and the drive home was silent as I was barely awake. When we arrived home Josh picked me up and carried me inside while Jaden grabbed the bags. After a few hours I was all packed but I had passed most of the time by coloring while Josh and Jaden were trying to talk to me but i was to scared to answer. I heard my tummy growl so I went downstairs and saw both of them talking in the kitchen. I walked over slowly and carefully not trying to make them mad.
J-"Hey baby girl!" He said as he saw me. I watched as his expression was overly excited along with Josh's.
T-"Excuse me sir may I please get something to eat"
Jh-"What did you call me?" he asked confused.
T-"sir of course"
He sighed and bent down taking my hands in his and holding them softly.
Jh-"Baby you do not have to call either of us air ok? You can call us whatever your comfortable with"
T-"Can i call you mommy and daddy?" I asked shyly as Jaden also bent down.
J-"Of course baby girl"
Jh-"Of course you can but whose who?"
T-"well Jaden is mommy and joshy is daddy"
They both smiled as i explained to them who was who. They gave me some apple slices and sat down with me as i began to snack on them.
T-"Can we color?"
Jh-"why of course we can princess ill be right back."
I smiled and ate some more apple bites when I looked and saw mommy trying to steal a piece of my apple.
T-"Mama!" i said giggling as he smiled at me and kissed my head.
Jh-"Alright I'm back here's some crayons and coloring books."
T-"Daddy mommy tried to eat my apple"
Jh-"Oh my goodness mamas crazy" he said laughing.
Narrators pov:
The three of them sat down at the bar and continued to color for 3 hours straight. Either munching on snacks or talking. Tatum had finally opened up to the couple telling them all about her life in the orphanage, and how scared she was to meet them. Both the boys sat there for hours and colored into a princess coloring book watching and listen to there baby girl finally open up.

10 years later~
Tatum was now 15 years old and still living with both of her parents who she loves and cares about so incredibly much.
Tatums pov:
I walked downstairs all dressed and ready and headed into the kitchen. Both of my parents were up and mama had made breakfast for everyone. We all ate super quickly not wanting to waste another second. We hoped into the car and drive thirty minutes before arriving at the orphanage. See my parents had discussed adopting another child and they included me in the whole process making sure i was ok with having a baby sibling. As we walked inside I was hit with the memories that were left there 10 years ago. We talked to the owner before seeing a little girl around the age of 5 come downstairs scared and alone. I bent down to her level and took her hands in mine. I knew exactly how this felt so my parents and I decided I should be the one to introduce myself first.
T-"Hi I'm Tatum what's your name?" I asked even though I knew it already.
S-"Sailor I'm 5"
T-"Hi sailor! I know how scary it is that you are expected to trust someone you just met but you can always  trust me"
S-"You dont know how it feels" she said as I could feel her tense
T-"Actually I do you see when I was 5 i was here too and they adopted me and I was super scared but trust me when I did it was amazing"
T-"Yeah all you have to do is open up"

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