No daddy no (Bryce x Josh)

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Olivia Rose Hall~
1 years old, Bryce and Josh's daughter. She's really Bryce and Addisons biological daughter but Addison and Bryce were just a one night stand that left Addison pregnant. Bryce met josh and they fell in love and eventually got married when Olivia was 3 months old. Addison left when she was born and josh adopted her when she was first born and treats them like there own. Olivia can't really talk that well or walk well. She calls Bryce Daddy and Josh dada. She loves sucking her thumb but it's not good for her.

Bryces pov:
Olivia was currently crawling around the living room trying to chase buddy around the living room while josh and I watched cuddling on the couch.
J-"What sound does a dog make princess"
J-"Good job!"
B-"Yay!!!!! Good job baby!"
She continued to chase around buddy while crawling. She continued this for another 30 minutes until she tried herself out. She crawled up onto my chest where josh was laying and I was playing with his hair.
B-"What is it baby?"
O-"Me lay with dada"
She said as josh opened his arms and she said down in them. A couple minutes went by and she started sucking her thumb.
B-"No no no baby that's bad for you're teeth"
I said pulling her thumb out causing her to fuss sense she is beyond tired.
O-"No daddy me want to" she said placing her thumb back into her mouth. Josh pulled it out and she started to fuss again.
J-"Princess you can't do that"
B-"Yeah baby doll it's bad for you're teeth no more"
She looked at us and stuck her tongue out and placed her thumb back in. Josh gave me a look telling me to go upstairs and grab the mittens. We bought mittens yesterday so when she wants or try's to suck her thumb she can't. I walked downstairs to see Josh trying to pull Olivias  thumb out. I walked over and Josh picked her up and placed her on his lap holding him while I opened the box. I got the mittens out and took her hand she didn't know what was going on though.
O-"What happening?"
J-"Well little miss daddy and I went the store and bought you mittens there so you can't suck you're thumb"
O-"No daddy! No mitten!"She said crying.
B-"I'm sorry honey but we can't suck on are thumbs sweetie"
She screamed crying as I finished putting them on her. I picked her up and swayed her side to side for a bit calming her down a bit then heading upstairs with Josh as it was her bedtime. We laid her down on the changing table and Josh changed her while I grabbed her binki and a book to read. She hates binkis but josh and I are trying to get her to like them.
J-"Alrighty all done! Look you're mittens match you're pajamas"
O-"Ittens off"
B-"No mittens stay on now only have them off when you're eating, playing, or taking a shower."
O-"No off!!!!"
J-"Alright you're tired come on let's lay down" he said putting her into the crib. I sat down in the chair next to her and read the book while josh was sat in the other caressing her face making her calm down. Soon we saw her almost asleep but she was still awake with one eye open.
J-"Goodnight baby girl"he said kissing her head and clipping the binki clip onto her top.
B-"Goodnight princess I love you"
I said kissing her cheek and placing the binki into her mouth holding it there for a few seconds until I heard her start sucking. I walked out of the room and headed into Josh and I's room. I saw him grabbing clothes for both of us so I walked up to him and smacked his ass causing him to turn around.
J-"Omg babe you scared me"
B-"What are you up to" I said grabbing him and pulling him closer.
J-"I'm about to take a nice hot shower with my amazingly sexy husband"
B-"Ooo shower time yes please"
We hoped into the shower and some things happened.(Do you all want sumt? I'm down to writing it just let me know) we were now laying down cuddling on the bed. When Olivia came running in crying.
J-"What what is sweetie"
He said sweeping her up into his arms. At time Olivias been known for some how climbing out of her crib I don't know how she does it. It makes no sense.
O-"Dada, daddy there was a monstwer" she said with her lisp as more tears threatened to cry.
B-"Oh it's alright honey he's not real"
O-"She said she was going to take daddy and dada away"
J-"Aw sweetheart I promise daddy and I aren't leaving"
We all laid down together and surprisingly she fell asleep with her binki in and no fights about the mittens. Maybe these are working. I kissed josh and ruffled his long blonde brownish hair.
J-"I love you baby your my world along with our daughter. I love you mister Hall"
B-"I love you more my lovely hubby. You and are little girl are my world I love you so much more also Mister Hall."
And with that we all fell asleep.

This was partly or mostly requested from delena01046 i love you so so so much baby!!!!!Check her stories out cuz there's amazing! Love you guys!! Night from me!!!!!!! 

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