Prank wars (Jaden x Josh

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Parker Kate  Hossler~3 years old, calls Jaden Daddy and Josh papa. She loves attention and making people laugh.

Jadens pov:
I woke up to Josh on my chest cuddling me. I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair. Soon enough I heard little footprints walk through the door. I saw my adorable baby girl walk right in and run over to me. I sat up and walked over picking her up. I took her downstairs and saw all the other boys awake. I suddenly had a fantastic idea to prank Josh.
J-"guys I have the perfect prank we can pretend to lose Parker. But she will just be with Bryce or someone."
B-"omg yes! Perfect content for my vlog"
We all laughed at him before grabbing his camera and J-Rod. I changed Parker into a Angels and Demons shirt and some black shorts with her long black fluffy hair into a ponytail matched with a bow because if the bow isn't matching she quote on quote said "Daddy if the bow isn't matching then I'm not wearing this ok". Full of sass which she gets from Josh but he will never admit it. I got dressed into Josh's hoodie and a pair of Shorts and picked her up and headed downstairs.
J-"Alright baby your going to go with uncle Bryce and get some bites ok?"
P-"We get donut?"
B-"Yeah I'll take you to get a donut park" she smiled as he called her park which was he nickname sense birth.
P-"Uncle Rice can we get a toy?"
B-"Your really trying get a lot out of this aren't you?"
She blushed and hid her face into my chest giggling. We all laughed and I rubbed her back gently swaying side to side.
B-"Yes we can get a toy only if you let me sit next to unicorn next tea party"
Parker's favorite thing to play is tea party and she somehow manages to get everyone to play. Bryce and Blake make it fun for her by competing for the spot next to her favorite unicorn.
P-"Um yes but I get to pick the toy"
B-"Deal, now come on baby your going with me" he said lifting her up and getting her shoes on.
J-"Alright have fun baby. Be good for uncle Bryce ok?"
P-"I will. What you doing daddy?"
J-"Daddy and uncles are going to prank papa"
J-"Were going to trick him and say that you are missing but your just going to be getting breakfast"
P-"But papa be sad"
J-"No it's ok. I'll make sure he won't be sad"
I smiled as I heard her miss pronounce the word. She always said ok wrong but we never correct her because it's so cute. Bryce picked her up and walked out the door with her while the rest of us turned on all the cameras and got ready to prank josh. I ran up the stairs and bolted into are room in a "Panic". I ran over to the bed and started shaking him to try and make him wake up.
Jh-"What?"  He said sleepily as his voice was groggy.
J-"PARKERS GONE!" I said pretending to be panicked.
J-"I woke up and went to check on her but she wasn't there. I asked all the boys and they haven't seen her sense last night. Expect for Bryce because he was with Addison and stayed there." I watched as his face got from panicked to scared and more scared by the second. Tears plucked his eyes and ran down. I was starting to feel bad. He opened his mouth the day something but then ran into Parker's room and I followed. We had set up her room so there was her blankets ripped off her bed and her window open all the way so it could look like someone really broke in and took her.
Jh-"HOW COULD WE LET THIS HAPPEN!" He said falling on his knees crying. I went and hugged him tight starting to feel worse and worse by the second.
Jh-"Were supposed to protect her and she's gone. My little baby's gone. I won't be able to play tea party with her anymore, or cuddle, or even talk about how a man or women should treat her when she gets a boyfriend or a girlfriend"
I felt so bad that I grabbed my phone and texted Bryce to come back quick. But while I was doing that Josh had already stormed down and yelled at the boys.
Jh-"Did you guys know"
Bl-"We just found out." He said acting.
Q-"Were so sorry Josh"
Jh-"Shes gone?" She said in a whisper while breaking down. I needed to stop and end the prank here so that what I did.
J-"Prince I have to tell you something" I said picking him up and holding him.
Jh-"What?" He said crying into my shoulder with his face hid.
J-"It's a prank"
Jh-"What?!" He said removing his face.
J-"It's a prank Shes with Bryce. She's coming back now"
His face softened but then turned angry again. He got off me and started yelling at the boys and I which was expected.
Jh-"HOW COULD YOU! YOU KNOW HOW MUCH MY BABY MEANS TO ME!" I sat there and let him yell is little heart out until we heard the door open. He stopped yelling and ran to Parker who was running to him. He picked her up and spun her around.
Jh-"Oh my goodness papa thought he lost you baby"
P-"Daddy told me to"
She said pointing to me which I responded by slouching down.
Jh-"He did well that's a bad daddy. Tell him"
P-"Bad daddy" she said pointing at me. My eyes frosted over with tears as I felt so bad and scared that Josh would leave me.
P-"Papa daddy sad!" She said concerned.
Josh turned around and saw me on the verge of breaking down and hugged me tight and whispered in my ear.
Jh-"I'm not mad at you but if you ever do this again I will punish you so hard you won't be able to walk for a month."
I whimpered and shook my head and smiled as he kissed my lips and then grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs while carrying Parker who was now eating another donut. We walked into are room and laid down on the bed while Parker was sitting in Josh's lap finishing her food.
Jh-"What did you do with uncle Bryce park?"
She looked up at him donut crumbs all over her face.
P-"we went to Dunkin and we were going to get a toy but daddy called to come back home" she said sadly.
J-"Aww baby don't worry papa and I will take you to the store today to grab a toy ok?"
Jh-"I love your shirt baby! Who got you dressed?"
P-"Daddy did"
Jh-"He did? Even your bow?"
P-"Yep! I didn't even fight" she said smirking knowing she did.
J-"Not true!"I said jokingly
Jh-"Miss Parker did you fight daddy?"
P-"All I said was if the bow isn't matching then I'm not wearing this ok".
She said just as sassy as before. Josh and I chuckled at her making her frown and cross her arms pouting.
Jh-"Who taught you that face?"
P-"Auntie Addi"
J-"Aunt Addison taught you her pouty face?"
P-"Yep! She said it's how she gets uncle rice to get her bites" she said talking about food. I smiled at my daughter and picked her up and wiped her chocolate face down. I then laid back in bed with Josh my arms wrapped around him while Parker was in my lap.
Jh-"You know I'm getting you back right?"
Jh-"I'm pranking you back I don't know when but I will."
J-"We will see about that"

2 weeks later.....
Josh's pov:
I smiled as I put the makeup down and looked at my neck which was covered in "Hickeys" which were made up of makeup. My plan was for Jaden to come home after a long day at work and see me covered in "sweat" with "Hickeys" all over with my shirt off and Bryce on top of me with his shirt off too. It would work out perfectly because Bryce just came out as Bi sexual about a week ago. And Jaden has always been jealous of are friendship. He doesn't get angry it just fears him as the thought that his husband and his best friend could leave him to have there own relationship. Parker was out with Quinton at the park so it was perfect. I laid down in bed and took off my shirt and Bryce came in and threw his off. We dumped water on are selfs for the sweat. And laid down, we heard the front door open and Jadens voice echo. Bryce started banging the headboard against the wall and we started to "moan" to make it seem real.
Jadens pov:
I had finally gotten home from the studio. I had a Tiring day having to do 6 different interviews and shoot part of my music video for Better off dead. (pretend it hasn't come out yet) I sighed and walked inside and saw that no one was home. Strange. I thought to myself. I heard banging coming from upstairs and then moaning making me curious. I ran upstairs and heard the noises getting louder when I came to Josh and I's room. I put my ear up to the door and listened.
Jh-"Oh god Bryce just like that!"
He's jacking off to Bryce? Why not me? I thought before I heard another voice. A voice that broke my heart.
B-"Fuckkk josh just like that baby. I'm going to cum"
I felt the tears start to put down and rushed into my room to see josh and Bryce on top of each other with no shirts!
I looked at josh who was shocked when he saw me.
Jh-"Babe I-"
J-"You cheated on me?"I said breaking down.
Jh-"It was only one time"
J-"How could you do this to me? To our daughter!"
Jh-"Baby I'm-"
J-"Dont baby me! Bryce how could you! You were my Bestfriend and you fuck my husband!!!"
B-"I'm sorry Jaden it was the heat of the moment"
J-"I don't fucking care!!! You know what we're done! I'm taking Parker and leaving!" I said as I noticed the Hickeys on Josh's neck.
J-"Nice Hickeys josh makes you look like even more of a slut"
Bryce and josh gasped at my choice of words. I have never called any of the guys stuff like that so to say they were shocked was an understatement.
J-"Dont fucking baby me! YOU CHEATED! Why do I love you! Why do I still want you after what you did! I forgave you the first time. The second time even the third time but four times!!!! Four fucking times you spread your legs open!!  was I not good enough!"I screamed out of anger. Josh looked at me with tears rushing out and ran and hugged me. Just as I was about to pull away her grabbed my face and kissed me. But turned sad when I didn't kiss back.
Jh-"Baby it's just a prank"
Jh-"It's just a prank. I told you I was going to get you back"
J-"Fuck you! I love you though"
Jh-"I love you more" I kissed him roughly and we started to make out before I pulled away when I remembered Bryce was in here.
J-"Bryce i love you man but get the fuck out!"
B-"Alright. Use protection"
Jh-"Shut up!"
Bryce walked out the door and we laughed before kissing again and laying on the bed. At the end of the night it ended with Josh and I having sex and then showering and finally cuddling are baby girl to sleep. But what josh doesn't know is that I have another prank in store.

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