Rainbow baby(Blake x Amelie)

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Sensitive please don't read if you you don't want to hear about miscarriages. They are both 27 durning this and married.

Amelies pov:
I have the life of which other people dreamed of having. I have a kind and loving husband who's the love of my life and will do anything for me. I'm an influencer with millions of people following me and sticking by my side. I have my family who love and support me no matter what. I live in a huge house that Blake bought when we first got married. I have friends who love and support me. But the one thing I really want is the one thing I don't think I'll be able to get. A baby. Blake and I have always wanted kids but we decided after we got married we would start trying. We got married when we were both 23 and soon enough got pregnant at 24. We were so excited and ready for a little baby. We told all of our family and friends and they were super happy for us too. We found out we were having a little boy and we were so so so excited to meet him. Until the unexpected happened.

December 12th 2019.....
I woke up next to Blake and smiled as I saw his arms wrapped around me loosely and his hands on my 25 week baby bump. I scrunched my face as pain started to happen. I carefully sat up and walked into the bathroom and pulled my pants down as I sat on the toilet only to be seen with blood all over my underwear and my legs.
A-"BLAKE!!!!!!!" I screamed as I started crying. I heard a thump and then heard running towards the bathroom. The bathroom door opened and I was met with Blake's eyes. When he saw the blood I watched as his face grew more scared and confused.
B-"Shit honey what's wrong" he said as a few tears slipped as he sat next to me.
A-"We need to go to the hospital now"
He nodded and stood me up carefully and put on a new pair of  underwear and pants on. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to the car placing me into the passenger seat and starting to drive quickly while he held My hand.
A-"Shit baby drive faster" I said as I sobbed in pain.
B-" I'm trying princess"
We finally arrived and Blake carried my inside and I was immediately rushed into a room with tons of doctors. We were now here for 6 hours and still had no news . The doctor came in causing me to hold Blake's hand tighter.
Doc-"Hi miss Gray we have figured out what happened. As you know you were experiencing pain and bleeding in your lower region. We have run many tests and we are afraid we only have two options. First option is to either abort the baby through a quick surgery or you can give birth to your son through a c-section and hold him for about 2 hours or so and then he will no longer be with us."
I started sobbing holding Blake's hand.
A-"I want to see him."
The doctor gave me a sad smile before Blake and I got ready and went into the operation room. About 30 minutes later there was a beautiful baby boy newly placed on my chest. I cried and held onto his tiny hand. The doctors took him and cleaned him up and weighed him while Blake went and saw.
B-"Babe he's so cute. He's very small and weighs 2 pounds 2 ounces. He's got you're nose" he said crying. I was wheeled into our room and Blake and I were in the bed holding the teeny tiny little baby who was covered in tubes. We filled out the birth certificate for our little baby.
B-"We only have about 5 minutes." He said as he kissed Gabe's cheek.
A-"Oh little baby I'm so so sorry. This is all mommy's fault. We love you so so so so much"
B-"More than you will ever know. I'll protect mommy for you and remind her it wasn't her fault. I love you so much little man" he said crying as well holding Gabes hand. We both kissed his head before we watched his chest rise and fall for the last time. I sobbed louder into Blake's shoulder and we both sat there and cried knowing are little baby was gone.
Present day:
Amelies pov:
I looked down at the loading  pregnancy tests that sat on the counter. I felt my heart rate increasing and thumping. I paced around the bathroom anxiously waiting. Blake and I stopped trying ever sense we lost Gabe. We still had his nursery set up and we had his birth certificate hanged up right above his crib. Recently we have been trying again and I was now freaking out. I was 3 weeks late on my period and I have been throwing up every morning. I heard a beep and looked at the pregnancy tests which said pregnant. Holy shit I'm pregnant. I started crying thinking about if my body is going to be able to carry a baby. I walked outside and went into the living room and saw Blake sitting on the couch watching a movie. I sat on his lap and laid my heads against his chest.
B-"What are you thinking about baby girl"
A-"About how I'm pregnant"
B-"WHAT?!?" He said jumping slightly. I
Nodded my head and showed him the tests and he spun me around.

8 months later......
Im currently 9 months pregnant. Somehow my body managed to carry a full term pregnancy which was amazing. The babies were doing fantastic and they were progressing just how they should. Did I say  babies yeah I did. Blake and I found out we're having two identical twin girls. I was currently in the hospital squeezing Blake's hand tightly as another contraction passed by. 2 hours later I was pushing. I pushed and pushed and pushed until I felt little kicks to my thighs and heard a piercing cry ring through the room. I looked down at my chest and saw one of my baby girls crying on my chest. I sobbed as I looked down at her then at Blake who was also crying.
A-"One of them's here"
B-"I'm so proud of you!" He said kissing my head. I felt pain rush through me again and I started pushing again.
??-"Here do you want me to take her off your chest while you push"
A-"Yes please"
She took the baby girl off my chest and started pushing again. Soon enough I heard another cry and feet kicking me again. I felt another baby placed on my chest. They then cleaned the babies off and placed the first baby girl in my arms and the second baby girl in Blake's. I looked at him and smiled and he smiled right back.
Doc-"Do they have names?" The doctor asked nicely as she walked in.
B-"This is Brynn Rose Gray" he said as he held the second born babies hand up.
A-"And this is Gabriella Faith Gray"
The doctor wrote them down and then left. We chose Gabriellas name based on Gabes short life. Blake sat in the bed with me and held Brynn in his arms and I held Gabriellas in mine.
B-"There are rainbow babies"
A-"That they are"
I smiled while I kissed his lips.
Narrator pov:
What the couple didn't know was that there little boy was smiling down at them and his sisters in the hospital bed cheering them on. Amelie knew that her little boy was present though and smiled knowing that he has gifted the couple there precious babies.

Dang I'm crying. Requests will be out later tonight or tomorrow. Love you bby's!!!!!💕💕

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