Joint family (Blake x Noah)

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Navy Elizabeth Gray~ 6 years old (Blake and Amelies daughter. Amelie left her when she was born)
Hunter Michael Beck~8 years old (Noah and Dixies son but Dixie left when he was born.)
Navy's pov:
I sat on my bed starring out the window. I sighed and fell back on my bed. I looked around my room or what's left of my room is what I should say. See daddy and I are moving into a new house with Noah and Hunter. Noah and daddy have been dating for a year and decided to move in together. Daddy asked if i was ok with it and I said I was but I'm not really ok. I may be six but I can hide my emotions really well. I looked at the packed box on the floor and stared at it. Everything is going to change. Before Noah and Hunter came daddy was a single dad and took care of me all on his own. That's because my mom didn't want me which I didn't care. He treated me like a princess no his princess. He still does but still. We would spend every second together just the two of us. We still spend a lot of time together but I'm scared when we move in with Noah and hunter he won't love me anymore. I let a tear slip while I walk over to the box and looked inside and saw a picture of me and daddy in the hospital the night I was born. He was sitting down looking down at me and I had my tiny fingers wrapped around his big finger. I let a few tears slip and touched the picture. I moved the picture to the side and saw another picture this time with my mom. It was my mom holding me against her chest as she kissed my head. I sighed before wiping the tears that fell and closed the box. I heard my dads footsteps so I quickly sat on the bed and laid down looking at the celling. I heard a knock on the door and did a faint come in. I saw my dad walk in and when he saw me laying on the bed he immediately came and hugged me and laid beside me.
B-"What you thinking about baby?"
N-"Mom didn't really leave me did she?"
He turned to me confused and pulled me closer to him.
B-"Baby what's do you mean"
N-"I looked at the pictures and saw one of me and my mom she looked happy and she kissed my head. She didn't leave me did she?" I said louder.
B-"Baby she did leave you. She left you when you were 2 weeks old and that picture is when you were first born."
N-"Oh. So she didn't love me either?" I mumbled. But clearly my dad heard me.
B-"What? Princess why did you say either?"
N-"Come on daddy who would love me. I'm a fat ugly rat with no friends. Not even my own mom loved me. You don't love me"
B-"Baby don't say that! Your not fat or ugly your beautiful! I do love you so so so much. And princess your mom has been texting me she said she wants to see you again."
N-"I can meet her!" I said excitedly
B-"I don't know baby I'm not sure if I want you to. I mean you have me and Noah and now you have an older brother!"
N-"He's not my brother"
B-"Are you sure your fine with moving in with them."
N-"Yeah come on don't want to be late" I said as I grabbed a tiny box and walked to the car and put it in the trunk before bucking the seatbelt I felt tears come into my eyes and I tried my best to not let them fall but I failed And soon they were pouring out. My dad came in the car and looked at me and gave me a small sad smile letting a few tears out himself. He grabbed my hand and looked at me.
N-"I don't want to leave it" I cried looking back at the house. The house that held a thousand memories.
B-"I know baby but it's for the best. I know we've a had a lot of good memories here but we're going to be ok no matter where we go"
I nodded and he started the car and drove off as I looked at the window and silently cried. We arrived at the house and moved the two boxes out of the trunk and into my new room. Everything else was inside and installed already. Noah came in the room with hunter and he set hunter down and immediately kissed my dad.
No-"I'm so happy you're both here"
B-"I am to we're all a family!"
H-"This is a big family" he said as he hugged them. Noah always tries his best to include me in everything hunter does and takes me out with just him all the time because he doesn't want me to feel excluded.
No-"You happy your here Navy?"
N-"No I want to be with my real mom"
B-"Navy Gray! We talked about this"
N-"I want to see mommy" I said crying.
B-"Baby I can't trust mommy when I trust her I promise you can see her"
N-"You will never trust her. She's not going to kill me"
B-"Baby it's not that's think she will hurt you it's just I don't want her to come back in your life and make you happy just for her to leave again."
N-"So what I'm willing to try! Just please!"
I smiled and ran over and hugged his legs.

The next day.....
navy's pov:
I woke up and remembered that today is the day I met my mom. I rushed out of my bed and got dressed. I grabbed my brush and headed downstairs seeing daddy and Noah talking.

Blake's pov:
I woke up earlier with Noah and we headed downstairs. All was going fantastic and perfect until I checked with Amelie about the time she was picking Navy up. (no hate towards Amelie just for the story) 

 (no hate towards Amelie just for the story) 

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I sighed and felt tears run down my face

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I sighed and felt tears run down my face. I then heard little footprints coming down the stair way. I looked and saw my baby girl run to me.
N-"Daddy why are you crying?"
B-"Baby mommy's not coming"
N-"what why!"
B-"Because she didn't want to anymore baby."
I saw tears fill her eyes and she ran to Noah. He picked her up and swayed back in forth as she sobbed. A little later everyone was on the couch trying to make her feel a little better. We watched Christmas movies, baked and ate Christmas cookies, in our matching comfy Christmas pajamas. We all slide down on the couch cuddled up together watching the movie and drinking hot coco.

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