What do I do?(Bryce x Addison)

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Gavin hall~ Bryce and Addisons biological son, 16 years old, lives in a house with his parents and sister

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Gavin hall~ Bryce and Addisons biological son, 16 years old, lives in a house with his parents and sister

Saylor Hall~12 years old, Bryce and Addisons daughter, has Not yet gotten her period or has not had the talk about what it is yet.

Saylors pov:
I got up from my nap and felt pain in my lower abdomen. My parents are out on a date and left early this morning and won't be back until dinner time. I got tired and decided to take a nap at 11 and now its 1:30. I got up and saw something on my bed. I looked closer and saw a big big patch of blood on my sheets. I started panicking and ran into the bathroom connected to my room. I pulled my pants down and saw blood all over my underwear and my pants. I screamed and heard footsteps running at a record speed.
G-"Saylor!!!!! are you Ok? Whats going on?"
He called from the other side of the bathroom door.
S-"Gavin?" I stuttered as the tears poured out of my eyes uncontrollably.
G-"what's wrong bubba?" He asked sweetly. Bubba was always my nickname for him. When I was born he was only 4 years old. When he was four he called everything baby but one day he called me bubba while I was screaming crying as a newborn would and it made me stop. Ever sense that day bubba was what he always called me.
S-"I'm dying" I said crying making him panic more. He started banging on the door and screaming for me to let him in.
G-"Bubba how are you dying?"
S-"I'm leaking blood down there"
G-"What?" He asked confused. Out of Nowhere i became angry and rage took over me.
I heard him sigh before knocking on the door again.
G-"Bubba your not going to die ok?"
S-"Whats happening?" I said crying again.
G-"Bubba your on what's called a period, its totally normal for girls your age to get. Mommy has hers all the time."
S-"But what do I do? There's blood all on my bed and all on my pants and legs."
G-"I don't know where mommy keeps her stuff so I'll call and ask her while you go and take a shower ok?"
I stripped off all of my clothing and got into the warm shower which felt great on my skin.

Gavins pov:
I sighed and moved away from the door. I took off Saylors sheets and carried them down to the laundry room. I started washing them and then went into the living room and called my dad.
On the phone:
B-"Hey bud what's up"
G-"Dad something happened"
B-"What the hell happened?!?!?!? Are you two ok?" He asked panicked
G-"I heard Saylor scream when she woke up and I walked upstairs and she got her period and she didn't know what to do. I don't know where anything is and I have no idea how to help her."
B-"Fuck! Ok baby um here let me set you on speaker."
A-"Hi baby. Whats going on?"
G-"Saylor got her period mommy and I don't know what to do shes scared and I'm confused."
A-"Oh god. Alright where is she right now?"
G-"I told her to take a shower and calm down"
A-"Alright well were on are way now we should be there in 10 minutes ok?"
G-"alright love you guys"
A&B-"Love you more"
I hung up the phone and waited on the couch for my parents to come home.

Addisons pov:
Bryce was driving the car at a fast pac trying to go home on time. Not only was Saylor now on her I was as well. We went to the mall to grab some stuff we needed for the house and next thing you know I fully bled through. It was very noticeable but luckily Bryce and an extra hoddie so I put that on to cover me as I walked out. When we finally got home I rushed upstairs and heard sobbing coming from saylors bathroom.
A-"Honey its mommy can I come in" She opened the door and I saw her puffy eyed while tears were poring down and she was wrapped in a towel with soaking wet hair. I pulled her into a hug not caring if she was soaking wet or not.
A-"Baby it's going to be ok. Want to know something?"
S-"Yeah" she stuttered while tears continued to fall.
A-"Mommy just started her period today to"
S-"Whats wrong with me mommy"
A-"Aww baby theres nothing wrong with you. Its a normal thing baby something that all girls go through"
S-"But I got it on my bed"
A-"its ok, listen daddy and I will never ever be mad or upset if you leak through and get some blood on the bed ok? Its a normal thing that you have no control over"
S-"How do i not leak?"
A-"How about you grab some comfy clothes and come with me to my room and I'll grab you some stuff and you can change in there"
She walked back into her room and grabbed an oversized PUA sweatshirt and some shorts along with new underwear and a bra. She carried it back into Bryce and I's room and Walked into are bathroom with me. I got out a pad and explained how to put it on her underwear and she then got changed into her clothes and sat on my bed and waited as I changed my tampon and changed into sweatpants and sat on the bed with her.
A-"Yes baby"
S-"Can you braid my hair"
A-"of course angel"
I started braiding her hair into Dutch braids.
S-"Mommy when did you get your period" she asked while I finished one braid.
A-"I got my first period when I was 12 or 13"
S-"How will I know when I get mine"
A-"Well theres a few different ways. You can track it on your phone or because ares match up whenever I get mine yours is coming to"
S-"Mommy can you help me set up a tracking app?"
A-" Of course angel" I said tying off her braids. I grabbed her phone and downloaded an app and explained what it was and how it works.
S-"Thank you mommy"
A-"no problem angel you want to know the best part about having your period though"
A-"Your dad is terrified of me while I'm on my period and that means he will get us whatever food we want so what's would you like?"
S-"Um how about McDonald's chicken nuggets I'm craving it"
A-"Oooo chicken nuggets and Fries sound so good right now"
I texted Bryce and asked him to go and get us some food which he happily agreed to. After a few minutes of waiting Bryce came upstairs with the bag of food in his hands and gave us the food.. Gavin came into the room and we all ate together. After we finished eating we all cuddled on the bed together.

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