Chapter 4 - Maria

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I've felt this before

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I've felt this before. This heart racing, breath stopping, body numbing sensation. The moment where your world has been ripped out from under your feet and you're suddenly falling, knowing there's nothing at the bottom to catch you. Save you. Only last time it was because I found out my mother had died. This time because I think a piece of me just died.

All I can do is blink at my father who merely watches me with a stoic expression. No humour to show me he's joking. No pain to show me he regrets this. It's like I don't even know who he is.

"What?" I whisper, giving him the opportunity to take his words back.

"You are to be wed by the end of the month," he repeats instead. The cracks inside of me deepen. This is real. "You are of age and you've prolonged this for far too long. It is time to step up and take responsibility."

" always said I didn't have to—"

"When you turned eighteen, Mariana. That was six years ago. You are a grown woman now and more than ready to be a wife. Surely you understand your place in this family."

My place in this family? "What are you saying? You make it sound like my marriage has some part to play in your business."

His blue eyes soften, completely identical to mine. "Yes. You see? You are a smart girl, principessa. Please understand."

"Understand what? And why did you say I have to be married by the end of the month? You didn' didn't already pick someone, did you?"

He presses his lips together and that is answer enough. My heart sinks before he even starts talking.

"I did. He is...he will keep you safe. Watch after you as a husband should for his wife. Marrying him will be very good for the family. It's a union of sorts, all for the sake of peace."

"Just say it." It takes everything in me to not yell. He's walking on eggshells which means this is worse than he's leading on and I want to crawl out of my skin from the anxiety.

"It's Knox Marino."

A noise crawls out of my throat before I can stop it. Something shocked and broken, like a cry but not quite. At least Father has the decency to flinch at my reaction. That means some part of him is still sane even though this is anything but.

"What?" I croak. "The man you threw in jail for killing his own mother?"

"He didn't do it. He was framed and the mafia has opened an investigation to clear his name."

"And you honestly believe that? The mafia has said horrible things about him and his brother! They're ruthless. He's lying about his innocence."

"He's not. He has evidence and it's my duty to prove it because I wrongfully convicted him."

"So that's it." I sound as disbelieving as I feel. "You make a mistake and now I have to pay for it just to save your ass."

"Watch your language, Mariana," Father snaps. "We have a good relationship but you are not to disrespect me."

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