Chapter 5 - Knox

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This is too good

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This is too good.

It's been a long time since I've felt this relaxed. There's no anger or impatience nagging at the back of my mind. Though I know my face gives absolutely nothing away, I'm resisting the urge to chuckle.

Ferrera is damn near squirming where he stands as I approach him. He watches me with hard eyes but he can't stop shifting his weight. I think he wants to lunge forward and strangle me but we've got quite a crowd surrounding us so he can't do shit. The urge to smile is too tempting but I manage.

"You followed the guest list," I say when I'm close enough that only he can hear me. I look around the hall, my eyes doing a quick scan before coming back to him. His lips are pinched in disdain and it's far too pleasing. "Good boy."

His nostrils flare. "Watch your mouth."

"Watch your temper. We're putting on a show, remember?"

A group of men walk by then and Ferrera immediately stands taller. His expression turns calm and he nods at them as if he's in no hurry at all. As if he isn't burning to pieces on the inside. The men nod back, offer a congratulations to me that I don't respond to, and then walk away completely unsuspecting.

"Satisfied?" he asks through gritted teeth.

I shrug. Why the fuck is he fishing for compliments? I'm only playing this game because it's part of something bigger. If it wasn't, he wouldn't be standing alive in front of me right now.

"Is Cavallo here?" I move on. Talking about business reminds me that this is all just a plan, makes it bearable to stand in his presence. How I wish I could see him dead at my feet.

"He's on his way."

"And you've told him..."

"That your proposal was a logical step forward for the mafia and both my daughter and I accepted happily."

I look away from him. The smiles are getting harder to resist with this fucker eating out of my goddamn palm. As much as I dread having to marry his blood, all of this makes it worth it.

"I'm doing exactly as you've asked. You're going to keep her safe, right? Keep her out of this?"

"A deal's a deal," I deadpan.

What an idiotic man he is. I guess it's better this way that he thinks I'm going to hurt her. He'll do goddamn anything for me as long as he thinks that. But I could care less about the daughter. She's just one move in the game to help me get to the rest. A mere piece that will help me win. And it's the win I care about—not her.

"Where is she?" I look around for her. Not sure why. Never seen her in my fucking life. All I know is she's of age and Ferrera's weakest link and that's good enough for me. She is a shadow at best.

Ferrera looks around the hall as well. "She went to the bathroom a few minutes ago. She's nervous."

That makes me whip my head in his direction. I drop my voice low, so not to be overheard. "You insisted on being the one to tell her about this, said you would make her understand. Must I intervene?"

Knox (Marino Brothers Duet, #1)Where stories live. Discover now