Chapter 13 - Maria

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I swing my legs over the armrest of the couch, laying down

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I swing my legs over the armrest of the couch, laying down. I like the second room main floor. It's airy and open. I tend to avoid it most of the time since it's really close to Knox's room but he isn't home right now and I'm tired of being cooped up in my room all day. I know I do it by choice, that this house is huge with an outdoor pool and a garden that I could easily enjoy if I wanted space, but I'm trying to prove a point here. That point being getting under my husband's nerves. He doesn't seem to appreciate my take on literally acting like his prisoner but it's all the more reason to do it.

"How was your exam?" I speak into the phone.

"Good, I think," Alessa answers. "There's nothing to do in this house besides study so I guess that's the one good thing."

My heart sinks at her discouraged tone. Alessa is usually soft spoken, occasionally witty, but a happy girl nonetheless. She doesn't sound anywhere near happy right now.

"I miss you," I whisper with a smile I don't feel.

"I miss you too. Do you think we'll see each other soon? Or even at all?"

"I don't know. I'd honestly come to you myself but I have a feeling that will only make things worse."

I hear her frustrated sigh. "No offence but your husband is a jerk."

That makes me snort. "Believe me, none taken."

"You deserve better, Maria. You deserve someone who will appreciate how amazing you are and then give that to you tenfold."

Warmth pools in my chest. I can hardly believe it's been over a month since I've seen my sister and each passing day that I don't just deepens the pain.

"When'd you get so smart?" I ask softly.

"You do know I've always been smarter than you, right?"

That gets a laugh out of me. It feels good to laugh for once. "Don't be annoying."

Alessa giggles. "Too bad. I can't have you getting used to a peaceful life without me."

I know she's only joking but her words make me sadder than I'd admit. "I'd never forget you, kiddo. And it's only been a month. I'm sure I can find a way to come see you soon. I'll figure it out."

It's a lie but what else can I offer? I have nothing to give anymore. Everything is out of my hands. So I give my hopeful little sister empty lies because they're all I can even afford anymore.

Sometimes I'm floored that this is my life now. How I went from someone who worked and had a decent social circle and a great relationship with my family to this is beyond me. Talking to my father is a bridge I can't seem to cross, talking to my husband is out of the picture entirely, and the coworkers I was once friends with gave up when I kept ignoring their continuous calls. All I have now are Alessa and Anna. I don't even think I have myself.

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