Epilogue - Felix

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*It is extremely vital that you have read the disclaimer before moving forward with this chapter*

The alcohol burns the column of my throat as I chug it down like it's fucking pussy cum. These days, however, my loyalties lie with the former.

I reach the end of the bottle too soon. Irritation flares within me because fuck, I'm not numb enough yet. With a snarl I rear my arm back and throw the bottle into the air, hearing it smash into pieces onto the road ahead of me. I stumble toward it, my shoes crunching on the grass.

I don't know where I am. Don't care. That's been a running theme lately. But today I've reached limits I didn't know I had.

I never thought I could hate my blood so fiercely. I know full and well I am a disturbed person but if there was ever one thing I did right, it was my unshakable loyalty for those who deserved it. Never did I think I would see the day where my brother no longer deserved my loyalty.

He was appointed consigliere today. I watched, lurking in the crowd and going by undetected. I watched Cavallo announce him. I watched him speak to the mafia like he ruled the fucking world. I watched his wife shower him with kisses and grins the entire night, watched him accept them with a tenderness in his eyes I didn't even know was possible. I watched him when he gave her they key to their new house, knowing exactly what it was thanks to the voicemail Axel left for me.

I wonder how many times I have to stand in front of my brother for him to finally see me. I was there the whole night and he didn't see me. He didn't see me then, and he didn't see me all those years ago.

A throbbing pain builds up in my temple and I scream out, dropping to my knees and holding my head in my hands. I don't want to remember. I don't want to remember. I have done everything to forget so why do I still fucking remember.

For all Knox dicks around about being some high and mighty big brother, he sure misses a lot of fucking things. Yeah, he was a kid, but he doesn't see it even now. The pain and desperation I wear clear as day for someone to see, to reveal the truth without making me say it and relive it all over again.

How could he marry a Ferrera? Love her unconditionally when she is his blood? How can he look at her and not see him? He is gone but still, he is all I see.

Everywhere. Constantly. Especially in that fucking wife of his.

I see his eyes, the ones that had found me trembling in my room. I'd frozen up in fear when those fucking eyes pinned me in place, made my seven-year-old heart stop beating for so long I thought I would die right there.

"Where is it?" He'd whispered harshly.

Those eyes scanned the room and touched everything of mine, tainted everything I was surrounded in. Those eyes. Those eyes. Those eyes.

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