Chapter 15 - Maria

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As soon as the word leaves my mouth I feel a new rush of embarrassment

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As soon as the word leaves my mouth I feel a new rush of embarrassment. I'm practically on fire at this point. I don't know why I'm so humiliated. Knox obviously wants this as much as I do. His black slacks aren't doing one damn thing to conceal how massive he's gotten and I haven't even touched him yet. That says a lot.

Maybe I'm embarrassed because I'm still trying to recover from the fact that he found my vibrator, the same one I used on myself to the thought of him last night.

That, coupled in with the way he confidently assumed (correctly) that I've gotten myself off to him has been enough sensory overload for me to handle. My brain could barely keep up with what he was doing as he freaking lifted me up like a sack of potatoes and dropped me onto my bed. He asked me if I wanted this, whatever this was going to be, but I was in a daze.

It wasn't until he walked away that I was hit with the alarming realization that I did want this. I crave his touch because I know simply imagining it would never leave me satisfied.

So I asked him to wait and he did. He turns around, one hand still on the doorknob, his intense and dark eyes pinning me in place.


I didn't think he would ask that. My mind draws up another blank.

"You have to say it, Mariana," he elaborates impatiently. The way he says my full name, the only time he uses an Italian accent, makes my pulse race in several places. "I will assume nothing about what you want. Speak clearly."

He's right. I know I have to give him my consent and I'm surprised he's such a hard-ass about it. I guess I assumed he would just...take me. See the obvious desire on my face and roll with it.

"Come back," I force the words, not because they're not true but because I've never been this vulnerable with anyone before. I've never openly admitted my want like this but it's what Knox demands to hear.

"Why?" He pushes but this time facing me, dropping his hand from the doorknob.

My rib cage shakes violently. The way he refuses to look away and hangs on to my every word is too much. He's making me take the first step and it's harder than it looks. If I didn't want him so badly, I wouldn't be doing this at all.

I lick my suddenly dry lips, hands fisting into my bedsheet to contain my nerves. "I...come back and touch me. The way you said you would."

He takes the slightest step forward, eyes darkening. "Because?"

Damn him. My neck is burning self-consciously. "Because I want you to."

And that finally does it.

He stalks over to me with his intense gaze holding mine. I'm unprepared when he grabs the backs of my calves and yanks me toward him. A surprised "oh" escapes me at the sensation of his erection bumping into my pelvis. I can't tell what feels better—the familiar heat of his cock or the way his fingers skim up my bare legs.

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