Chapter 21 - Knox

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A sharp pain in my arm puts my brain on high alert and I jolt, quickly coming to

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A sharp pain in my arm puts my brain on high alert and I jolt, quickly coming to.

The first thing I realize is I'm sore as fuck but nowhere near the pain I was in yesterday. The second thing I realize is I'm not in my room and I'm not alone. The third thing I realize is my cock is in a much better mood than I am and it's probably because it's nestled against an ass that makes me believe there's a heaven and this is the closest I'll ever get to it.

Last night comes to me in pieces. Felix. Getting shot. Mariana removing the bullet. Touching me with soft caresses and even softer words through every bit of pain. And finally, my idiotic dick not wanting her to leave when she tried to. Wanting to, what, fucking hold her through the night? And judging by the state we're in right now, that's exactly what we did.

She's still asleep, breathing in slow even breaths. My injured arm is stretched out on the pillow she's on just above her head, my other arm wrapped around her waist. I don't remember doing that when I went to sleep. I also don't remember her hand holding my wrist and keeping my arm around her like she's afraid I'll take it away. Fuck. What is this?

My face is buried in the back of her neck. Her scent stirs my cock even more than the heat of her body. It's obvious all the blood in my system rushed down south and that's why I don't have a goddamn shred of common sense left. If I did, I would get the fuck out right now before she wakes up so she won't find us like this. Find me, at her fucking mercy.

But I don't move. Don't even react when, after ten minutes of lying here and letting her consume my veins like my own personal brand of poison, she shifts in place. A moment after that, she goes stiff.

I can tell by the way she discreetly turns her head that she's trying to get a better look at me. One corner of my lip quirks and I decide to put her out of her misery.

"I'm awake."

She stiffens even more at the sound of my voice. "Oh. Um, I didn't...I wasn't this close. Before."

"And now that you're here?"

I'm not entirely sure why I ask that. Maybe because I'm still thinking with my dick. I want her so fucking bad. Want to feel the heat of her wrap and pulse around my cock. Want to hear her moans and have her writhe at the mercy of my touch. Want to hear that sweet fucking scream when she comes. It's been too long without it as far as I'm concerned.

"Did you pull me here?" She redirects the question. Typical smart mouth.

"And if I did?" I challenge, my voice still hoarse from having just woken up.

Mariana squirms against my thigh that's still pushed between her legs. I can feel the heat of her pussy and the way it's racing. She's wet as fuck for me.

"I don't know," she finally whispers.

My body has a mind of its own but by now I've learned that's usually the case when I'm in the same fucking zip code as my wife. I reach for the place where her shirt and shorts meet, sliding my hand between them until I meet skin. Mariana shudders lightly against me when I slowly pull her shirt up to her collarbones and slide my hand back down against her now bare torso. I pause at the hem of her shorts.

Knox (Marino Brothers Duet, #1)Where stories live. Discover now