Chapter 1

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Clarke POV

    It's been about two weeks since Mount Weather has been taken down. Clarke has been in the woods even since, not able to face her people. Clarke was angry at Lexa but understood her choice in a way. She was trying to make herself hate Lexa but couldn't.

Clarke was dragging a panther she had killed to Niylah. Clarke pushed open the door and dragged it in. Clarke saw Niylah walk out of the back, they exchanged a few words in Trig before Niylah got her the stuff she needed.

Clarke looked around the trade center when the door opened. Two men walked in with warpaint. The man with longer brown hair looked at her. Clarke turned her head to hide her face, even though her hair was dyed a dark red color.

The man with the longer hair walked up to Niylah. Clarke only caught a few words but they were looking for Wanheda. The man took one more glance at her before leaving. Clarke turned her head and looked to Niylah.

"Azgeda." Niylah said. "They are looking for you."

"How long have you known?" Clarke asked, walking over to Niylah. Niylah smiled softly.

"How long have you been coming here?" Niylah asked. "I've known since then." Niylah told her. Clarke nodded. "Your shoulder is bleeding, let me clean it."

Clarke followed Niylah into a back room. Clarke pulled her shirt down at her shoulder, sitting down. Niylah sat down behind her and started to wipe the blood that was dripping out of the cut from the panther.

"They are calling you Wanheda." Niylah said. "Commander of Death." Niylah translated. Clarke didn't know how to feel about the name. "I'm sure you've heard the bounty on you." Niylah dipped the cloth in the liquid and then put it on her shoulder.

"A bounty?" Clarke asked.

"You are probably one of the most wanted people right now and for different reasons." Niylah said. "I'd suggest staying away from Azgeda but I can't tell you what to do." They sat in silence as Niylah finished up with the wound.

Clarke put her shirt over her shoulder. Clarke grabbed her stuff. "Mochof." (Thank you) Clarke said.

Niylah smiled softly. "Pro." (You're welcome) Niylah said and Clarke left. Clarke walked out of the trade center and looked around, she saw the two men walking around. Clarke walked in the opposite direction, going away from the men.

The sun was starting to go down. Clarke started to look for a cave to stay in for the night. She picked up dry sticks to make a fire as she walked.

After about fifteen minutes she found a small cave. Clarke walked in, ducking her head so she wouldn't hit the cave roof. Clarke sat down and started to make a small fire.

She had just got the fire burning when a little bit of rain started to fall. "Just in time." Clarke sighed. Clarke opened up her canteen and set it outside to catch the rain water. The rain only lasted about ten minutes but it was enough to finish filling it up. Clarke took a sip and then put the lid on. Clarke pushed her messy hair out of her face and layed down.

    Clarke woke up to faint yelling. She looked around and saw that it was almost dawn. Clarke peaked out and saw about five people on horses. A woman yelled commands to them as they rode.

    "Wanheda don sin raun hir hashta a deyon kom gon." (Commander of Death was seen near here about a day ago) The woman said, loudly.

    Clarke put out the remains of her fire and grabbed her stuff. Clarke looked out, the people were too close to try to run away. "Damn it." Clarke said, putting her stuff down. Clarke put her hands in the mud and wiped some on her face to try to hide her facial features.

She sat back down and pretended she was looking at a map. A man walked in and looked at her. "Yu don Yu sin em?" (Have you seen her?) The man asked, holding up a drawing that looked like her. Clarke picked her head up and shook her head. The man looked at her closely one last time before leaving. Clarke went back to looking at the map "Klir Heda." (Clear Commander) She heard the man say.

Clarke snapped her head up. Lexa cursed in Trig. "Heda, Oso yu don lufa au opleis hir." (Commander, we have looked everywhere here) A different man said.

"Ryder, go to Skaikru and ask them about Wanheda." Lexa told a man. Clarke heard horse hooves hitting the ground riding away. "Keep looking. I have to go back to TonDC to talk to Indra." Lexa ordered.

About five minutes later, the area was clear and Clarke walked out of the cave. Clarke looked around and she realized where she was. Clarke was about two miles out from Arkadia and not too much farther from TonDC. Clarke ate berries as she walked away from those two places.

Clarke killed a decent sized rabbit and started the walk to Niylah's trade center. Clarke saw the two men that were there yesterday were walking around the trade center. Clarke kept her head down and walked in.

"You just missed the Commander." Niylah said, as Clarke walked in. "Looking for you." Niylah added. Clarke nodded and handed Niylah the rabbit. Niylah went into the back and got her what she needed.

"She went back to TonDC." Clarke said.

"I heard something about her going back to Polis for a clan meeting." Niylah said. "The Ice Queen is making the Commander pull her hair out." Niylah said.

"Good" Clarke thought to herself. "How long have the two men been out there? The Azgeda men." Clarke asked Niylah.

"They have been checking everyone that walks in here. Surprised they didn't follow you in." Niylah said. Clarke put her stuff in her bag. "Could have remembered you from yesterday."

"They were on the other side, I don't even think they saw me walk in." Clarke said, shrugging.

"Just be careful." Niylah said before Clarke left.

"I'll try." Clarke sighed and then walked out.

As soon as the door shut, Clarke felt someone put a hand over her mouth and pull her into the side of the wall. Clarke struggled but her kidnapper was stronger. "Shhh." The man said, cutting off her air ways with his hand.

    And that was the last thing she remembered before passing out.


I kept crying over Clexa so we are now writing this. This will be similar the season three storyline at first but with some changes.


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