Chapter 6

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Lexa POV

It was sundown and Lexa was standing in front of her throne waiting for Clarke to enter. The room was filled with people from other clans. There was quiet talking as they waited.

A few moments later, the doors opened. Everything went silent and everyone turned the attention to the doorway.

Clarke walked in and a woman started to sing. She was wearing a green-ish gold dress that had a big leg slit on the left side. She was wearing black boots that had a small heel. She had war paint around her eyes and her long blonde hair was in braids. Her curves were even more defined in the dress.

Lexa had to clench her jaw shut from keeping it from dropping. Lexa felt her mouth go dry as she took in Clarke's beauty.

Lexa met Clarke's eyes. "Shit she caught me. She totally caught me." Lexa thought. Clarke took a few more steps and then kneeled down as the song was ending. Clarke bowed her head. Roan got down on one knee and the rest followed his lead.

"Hail warriors of the 12 Clans." Lexa said.

"Hail, Commander of the blood." Everyone said.

"Rise." Lexa said. Everyone stood up. "We welcome Skaikru to our hails in the spirit of friendship and harmony, and we welcome Clarke kom Skaikru, legendary Wanheda, Mountain Slayer. We are here to initiate Skaikru into the coalition." Lexa said, looking around the room at the many people. A few people murmured. "To symbolize this union, the leader of Skaikru, must bear our mark." Lexa looked at Abby and Kane.

"The honor should be yours." Abby told Kane. Kane stepped forward and walked up.

"Present your arm." Lexa said. Kane rolled up his sleeve and held out his arm. A hot metal rod with the symbol on it was pressed into Kane's arm. Kane's face scrunched up and then the symbol was taken away. Kane relaxed a little.

The doors bursted open. Bellamy and Pike barged in holding guns. People gasped and backed away. "Bellamy?" Clarke asked. "What the hell?" Clarke looked to her mom who was in confusion as well.

"What is the meaning of this?" Titus asked.

"The summit is a trap. We need to leave." Bellamy said, putting his gun down by his side. Clarke looked at her.

"What the hell is happening?" Clarke asked Lexa.

"I don't know." Lexa said looking at Bellamy.

"It's Ice Nation." Bellamy said.

"These allegations are an outrage. The Ice Nation never stormed this summit with weapons, breaking our laws. That was the Skaikru." A man said, angrily.

"We're right about this. The two guards you left behind are dead already. We need to go now." Pike said, looking at Bellamy

"Who told you this information." Lexa asked Pike and Bellamy.

"Where's Echo?" Bellamy said, looking around the room. "What's going on? Where the hell is she?" Bellamy asked no one.

"Bellamy-" Clarke started.

"I don't understand." Bellamy cut off Clarke. Kane walked over to Bellamy and took his gun.

"Bellamy, Pike, come in. The grounders attacked Mount Weather." A voice said, coming from Bellamy's waist. Bellamy took out a small black rectangle.

"Monty? What are you talking about?" Bellamy asked.

"Something exploded and killed everyone. Sinclair and I are the only ones that survived. I don't know what happened." Monty said.

"You should have never moved your people back into Mount Weather. The Ice Nation did what Lexa was too weak to do." A man said.

"This is an act of war." Lexa said. "Arrest the Ice Nation delegation, including the prince." Lexa ordered.

"We need to go home. If they attacked Mount Weather, Arkadia could be next." Abby said.

"I agree." Kane said.

"Go. We'll avenge the attack together. Marshal your forces." Lexa told Kane and Abby.

"I'll escort them." Indra said, stepping forward.

"Clarke and O. We need to leave now." Bellamy said.

"Glad to see you care so much about me." Raven said, crossing her arms.

"And Raven." Bellamy added.

"We need someone to stay as an ambassador from the 13th Clan to stay here in Polis." Lexa said, looking at Clarke.

"It's not safe." Bellamy said, stand straight up.

"They will be safe under my protection." Lexa told Bellamy before turning to look at Raven and Octavia. "Raven and Octavia if you wish to stay you can." Lexa told them. Clarke hugged her mom.

They talked quietly for a moment before they stepped away. "Heda, we must convene the war council." Titus said. Skaikru started to file out of the room.

"Clarke, you should come back to your people." Bellamy said. "She left us to die at the mountain. She will always put her people first." Bellamy told Clarke.

"I can't. I'm sorry." Clarke said. Bellamy scoffed and then turned to leave.

It was about two hours later, Clarke, Lexa and Titus were in the throne room. "Let me know when the scouts come back." Lexa said, dismissing Titus.

"I hope you know what you are doing." Titus grumbled and then walked out of the room. Clarke was the first to talk.

"How did Azgeda know there was a self-destruct thing inside of the mountain?" Clarke wondered aloud.

"We will get the answer to that soon." Lexa told Clarke. "Thank you for staying, Clarke." Lexa said, looking into Clarke's blue eyes.

"I stayed because it was the right thing for my... our people." Clarke said. "If you betray me again..." Clarke trailed off.

"I won't." Lexa said. Lexa bowed down before Clarke. Clarke looked down to look at her. "I swear fealty to you, Clarke kom Skaikru. I vow to treat your needs as my own and your people as my people." Lexa said, as they looked into each other's eyes.

Clarke extended a hand out in front of her. Lexa takes Clarke's hand in her own and stands up.

Raven POV

Octavia, Kaylee and Raven were playing 'Go Fish' in Octavia's room.

"I bet they are gonna get together in a week." Raven said. "Do you have a nine, O?" Raven asked.

"Go fish." Octavia said. "I bet they'll get together in five days." Octavia told them. "Kaylee, do you have a five?" Octavia looked at Kaylee. Kaylee sighed and handed her the card.

"I bet they'll get together in a week and a half." Kaylee said, as Octavia took the card and put it with her card.

"Ptff, Lexa was thirsty for Clarke in front of like a hundred people including Clarke's mom. They aren't gonna last that long." Octavia said. "The Commander was almost drooling over our Clarkie." Octavia looked at Raven. "Do you have a four?"

"Go fish." Raven said. Octavia took a card. "Nah, Clarke is to blind to see it. Five days aren't enough."

"Do you have a seven, Raven?" Kaylee asked.

"Go Fish."


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