Chapter 22

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Lexa POV

Lexa woke up to send scouts out. She was putting on her armour when she heard Clarke move in the bed. "It's too early." Clarke said, in a sleepy voice. Lexa turned around and smiled softly.

"I'm sending the rest of the scouts out." Lexa kissed Clarke's forehead. "I'll come back to bed in a minute." Lexa moved hair out of her face. "Love you."

"I love you too." Clarke said, sleepily. Lexa laughed softly and then walked out of the tent. The sky was still pitch black as she walked.

A few minutes later, Lexa returned to the tent. She took off her armour and climbed into bed. Clarke lifted her head from the pillow and kissed Lexa. "What time is it?" Clarke asked.

"Around four in the morning." Lexa said, wrapping her arms around her. "We have about three hours until sunrise." Lexa kissed Clarke.

"How are you feeling?" Clarke asked.

"I don't know, to be honest." Lexa sighed. "I'm just trying not to overthink everything." Clarke laughed softly.

"So you are the overthinker now?" Clarke teased. Lexa laughed softly and kissed Clarke.

They laid around for an hour long before they both got up. They dressed each other and did their warpaint. Once they were dressed and ready they walked out of their tent. Octavia and Lincoln were sitting by the fire.

"You're up early." Clarke said, sitting down.

"I know." Octavia said. "I'm too nervous. Raven and Luna are still passed out."

"I have a feeling we are gonna have to drag them out of bed." Lincoln said.

"Luna will wake up soon and wake Raven." Lexa said, taking Clarke's hand. Lexa kissed the back of her hand and Clarke leaned into Lexa.

A few minutes later, meat was put on the fire. Raven and Luna came out of their tent. They sat down with them. Luna kissed Raven.

"Can we all promise each other that we won't do any dumb shit?" Octavia asked.

"Yeah." Everyone agreed.

"That includes you." Clarke told Lexa.

"I promise I will try my very best to not do anything dumb." Lexa said, kissing Clarke.

"I'll take that." Clarke said, putting her arm around Lexa. "Are my mom and uh Kane still asleep?" Clarke asked.

Raven awkwardly laughed. "They aren't asleep but they are in their tent."

"Stop." Clarke said. "You could have just said they are in their tent." Clarke groaned. "Now I know how it feels when you talk about Lexa and I." Clarke rubbed Lexa's arm.

The meat was pulled off the fire and they ate. A few minutes later, Abby and Kane walked past them. "Thank god she is staying back with the wounded." Clarke said, looking at Abby

The sun was rising and they were getting prepared to fight. They started to march towards Azgeda. They saw the walls of Azgeda come closer as they walked.

They kept walking until Lexa heard an arrow fly through the air and everything broke out into war. Their walk became a run. Yelling filled the air.

Lexa saw a few warriors on the wall fall off and land on the ground. The front row of warriors broke through the gates.

People were dropping like flies. Azgeda warriors started to attack on land. Lexa pulled out her other sword and started to fight.

An Azgeda woman ran up to her and swung at her with her sword. Lexa blocked it with ease. Lexa stabbed the woman in the stomach, killing her. The warriors kept coming at her and she kept killing them.

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