Chapter 2

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Clarke POV

Clarke slowly opened her eyes and blinked a few times. Clarke looked around and saw the tree's moving by. She realized what was happening. She was on a piece of something being dragged somewhere.

Clarke looked behind her and saw the man that was at Niylah's trade center. Clarke rolled off the board and started to run.

She got about a foot and then fell on her face. Her hands were bound together and the man was holding the other end. "Nice try." The man said, as Clarke got up.

"Let me go." Clarke said, wiping dirt off her face.

"I have orders." He said, making her start walking again.

"From who?" Clarke asked.

"If I tell you you'll make my job so much harder than it already is." The man said, as they walked.

"You're Azgeda." Clarke said, trying to keep the man busy while she tried to come up with a plan or something. "You are bringing me to the Ice Queen aren't you?" Clarke asked, looking around.

"You are Skaikru." The man said. "Do you have any idea how many people want you dead? Or for their own? Or for power?" While the man was talking Clarke grabbed a small knife out of the man's belt. She quickly put it in her jacket pocket.

"No." Clarke said, playing dumb.

"Figured since you were so careless." The man said, bored.

They walked until Clarke saw something in the distance. They walked a little closer and she saw it was an army, preparing for war it looked like. The man stopped and looked around, quickly.

Clarke took the chance. She got out her knife and stabbed the man in the stomach. The man grunted and Clarke cut the rope and started to run.

The man was chasing after her holding his wound. Clarke turned right and the next thing she knew there was a knife to her throat. "Stop." The man growled.

"Let me go." She snapped. The man tied her hands up and made her walk to some kind of an underground cave. The man sat her down against a pillar. The man gagged her with a cloth.

The man started to make a fire and took off his armour. Clarke closed her eyes and relaxed a little. The man walked over to her and took off her gag. "Drink." The man said, holding a cup of water. Clarke refused. "Drink it." The man said. "Or I'll make you drink it."

Clarke still refused. The man opened her mouth and put the water in her mouth. The man put his hand over her mouth to make her swallow it. Clarke swallowed it and the man took his hand away.

"Who are you?" Clarke asked.

"Roan." He said.

A few minutes later, Roan pulled a knife out of the fire and put it on his wound. Roan put his armour back on. "Don't move. I'll be right outside so if you try anything I'll see it. I'm checking the army." Roan walked out and Clarke started to loosen her rope around her hands.

Roan walked back down and stood her up. "You are making this harder on yourself." Roan said, tightening the ropes around her wrist. Roan made her walk up to the surface and they continued to walk. Clarke kept struggling as they did and Roan was annoyed but didn't say anything.

Every chance Clarke got she would try to escape but failed. "You don't give up do you?" Roan asked, as they walked. "Sit." Roan made her sit down. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the blindfold. Roan put it over her eyes.

"I don't even know where we are." Clarke said. "The blindfold isn't gonna confuse me any more than I am." Roan made her stand up and made her start walking.

"I'm gonna gag you again." Roan sighed.

"I don't know why you took it out." Clarke said.

"I don't know either."

Clarke was staring at pitch blackness for the rest of the walk. Clarke kept tripping and running into stuff.

It was getting colder so she figured it was night. Roan cursed in Trig. "Come on. There is a cave over here." Roan led her to the cave. Roan pulled her blindfold off and made her sit. "Sleep, you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow."

It was early the next morning and Roan was dragging her somewhere. Clarke heard horses and people talking. "Jok." (Fuck) Roan said and then pulled her somewhere. "Don't make a single sound." Roan whispered to her.

Clarke could make out a few figures through the blindfold. There was one person in the middle and about six or seven others surrounding them. Clarke started to loosen her ropes a little. "Would you stop?" Roan hissed. "Both of us are gonna be dead if you don't be quiet." Roan whispered, tightening her ropes again.

"Good." Clarke said, through her gag.

"Just shut up." Roan said.

The people got closer and Clarke could hear a woman's voice. It wasn't Lexa's voice. She didn't recognize it. "Ai gaf in em kiken." (I want her alive) The woman said. "Sin klin?" (Understand?)

"Sha haiplana." (Yes Queen) The men echoed.

Roaned put his hand over her mouth as the people passed about two minutes later, Roan made her start to walk again. Clarke bent down and took her gag off. "Was that Azgeda?" Clarke asked. Roan nodded. "Then why were you hiding from them?" Roan stayed silent.

What seemed like years later, Clarke started to hear people talking. Clarke was led somewhere and heard doors open. They walked in and the doors shut.

Roan led her around until they stopped. Doors opened and they walked in. About ten steps in Roan made her sit on her knees. A bright light was shining through the blind fold.

A few people were whispering but then suddenly stopped. Roan started to untie her blindfold and then slowly pulled it off. Clarke blinked a few times, letting her eyes adjust to the light. Clarke looked forward and saw a figure standing in front of her. When her eyes focused Clarke's heart dropped to her stomach.

"Fuck my life." Clarke said under her breath.


Lexa is in the next chapter!


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