Chapter 12

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Raven POV

Raven was taking a nap and woke up to loud and fast knocking. "Open the damn door Raven." Lincoln said. Raven groaned and then got up. Raven rubbed her eyes and opened the door.

"It better be good I was sleeping." Raven told Lincoln.

"It's about Clarke and Lexa." Lincoln said. "Come on!" Lincoln went into his room and Raven followed. Raven opened his door and saw Octavia, Luna, Kaylee and Lincoln.

"Get your ass over her!" Luna told her. Raven walked over to the balcony and looked where everyone was looking.

She saw two figures, one with blonde hair and one with brown. They were standing on a cliff above a lake. "It's Clexa." Kaylee said.

Clarke was in front of Lexa looking around. Lexa put her head in her hands and Clarke walked over to Lexa. Clarke took Lexa's hands away and they looked at each other before Clarke leaned in and kissed Lexa.

"Fuck yeah!" Raven cheered.

"Get the drinks!" Luna yelled.

Everyone cheered and hugged. Lincoln got them all drinks as they celebrated. "To Clexa!" They all said, holding up their moonshine from Monty. They all drank it and then kept celebrating.

"I don't even know who won the bet!" Octavia said. "And I don't care!" Everyone laughed. "And they are kissing again!" Octavia said looking out the window.

Everyone cheered. "It only took like ten years but they kissed and we'll have Clexa babies!" Raven said. Everyone laughed. "Side note, if they had biological children, their child would be a model."

"I know! I was thinking about that last night!" Luna said. "Ladies man or vice versa."

"Clexa will kill us if they knew that we saw that so we can't say anything." Lincoln said. "I bet Raven is gonna blow our cover."

"I was gonna say that!" Everyone said.

"Rude." Raven laughed. "I probably will though. I'll think before I say something." Raven told them. "We all have to be shocked when they tell us."

They sent the rest of the next two hours, drinking and celebrating.

Lexa POV

Clarke and her were walking back about two hours later. They were walking hand in hand. Lexa had to keep making sure she wasn't dreaming. They walked back into the Polis tower and they got into the elevator.

Once the doors shut, Clarke kissed Lexa softly. Lexa put an arm around Clarke's waist bringing her closer. Clarke kissed her temple.

The doors opened and they walked out and they walked passed Lincolnd's room and heard yelling.

"Give me an E!" Raven yelled from inside the room.

"E!" Everyone yelled.

"Give me an X!"


"Give me an A!"


"What's that spell?" Raven asked.

"Clexa!" Everyone yelled.

Clarke knocked on the door and everything went silent. The door opened and Raven peaked her head out. "Oh fucking shit." Raven said, drunk. "Hey, guys." Raven said, awkwardly.

"Is everyone in that room drunk?" Clarke asked.

"Pft, no." Raven said. "Why would you think that? It's just me and Lincoln."

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