Chapter 3

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Clarke POV

    "Hello Wanheda." Lexa said, looking at her. Clarke didn't say anything. Lexa walked toward her. She lifted a hand and reached for Clarke's gag. Lexa pulled it down and let it hang loose around her neck. "Roan I told you to bring her unharmed." Lexa told Roan.

"She didn't come easy." Roan said.

Lexa looked to Clarke. "I need you Clarke." Lexa said in a softer voice. Clarke gathered saliva and spit on Lexa. The guards grabbed Clarke and started to pull her away.

"You bitch!" Clarke said, struggling as she got pulled away.

"Get her medical attention for the cuts and then bring her to her room." Lexa told the guards. Clarke got pulled into a room and got sat on a small bed.

A few minutes later a woman walked in. The woman walked over to her and started to tend to her wounds.

The woman was cleaning a wound on her forehead when the woman said, "Heda cares about you." Clarke didn't say anything. "She would spend day and night looking for you." The woman added. "Indra finally convinced her to go back to Polis."

They sat in silence for the next few minutes. The woman finished and Clarke was led to a room on one of the top floors. Clarke walked in and looked around. The room was not what she expected.

It was a big room with nice furniture and well made fur blankets. Clarke walked towards the back of the room and saw a bathroom.

Clarke walked in and took a shower, washing the dirt and whatever else she had on her off. She washed the red dye out of her hair the best she could. Her mind went to Lexa but she pushed it aside.

Clarke finished the shower and then dried off. Clarke saw that there were new clothes on the counter. She put them on and they fit well. Clarke finished in the bathroom and then walked out.

Clarke walked towards the window and looked out. There was a small city below her. It looked like there were small shops all around and the streets were filled with people.

About an hour passed, Clarke found paper and charcoal and was drawing. Clarke was just drawing the first thing that came to mind and that was Lexa.

"Clarke you are too much of a bisexaul mess. You hate her. You shouldn't be fantasizing about her jawline." Clarke told herself.

There was a knock on the door. Clarke looked up and flipped the paper over. "Uh, enter." Clarke called.

The door opened slowly and Lexa stepped in. Lexa shut the door and Clarke started to draw the dropship to ignore Lexa.

"Clarke." Lexa started. "I'm sorry it had to be this way." Clarke looked up at Lexa. Lexa looked stressed and worried. Lexa had her Commander head piece on her forehead and was in a long sleeve shirt along with jeans. She wasn't in her war paint or armour.

"You hired someone to kidnap me and I am now a prisoner." Clarke said, slightly irritated.

"If the Ice Queen got to you first all hell would break loose." Lexa said, putting her hands behind her back.

"What's the difference I'd be a prisoner either way." Clarke said, wanting Lexa to get angry.

"You would have been thrown in a dungeon, torture for answers to their questions and then Nia would behead you so she will have the power of Wanheda." Lexa said, with a level voice.

"So take the power of Wanheda and kill me." Clarke said. "Commander." Lexa looked taken back. Lexa opened her mouth but nothing came out. "Go float yourself." Lexa had a confused look on her face.

"Clarke, I don't want to kill you." Lexa finally said. "Nia's planning something and if she had you I wouldn't... " Lexa cut herself off.. "If she had you, clans would turn against clans and war would break out everywhere." Lexa finished.

"You change your mind, one minute you are leaving me at Mount Weather to die and the next you are kidnapping me to stop me from dying." Clarke said, standing up. "My people aren't happy with your heart and the head choice."

"It was the option that was the best for my people." Lexa said.

"I don't want to talk about this right now." Clarke said to Lexa. Lexa nodded and then left. Clarke balled up the drawing of Lexa and threw it in the trash. Clarke let out a string of curses and then ran a hand through her almost dry hair.

About twenty minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Clarke told them they could enter and a woman walked in with a tray. It was the same woman who cared for her wounds. She had light brown hair with hazel colored eyes, she was a little shorter than her.

"What's your name?" Clarke asked.

"Kaylee." The women said. Clarke opened her mouth to introduce herself. "I know who you are, Wanheda." Kaylee said.

"Call me Clarke." Clarke told Kaylee. "You know the Commander?" Clarke asked.

"My mother was a Floukru clan ambassador before Lexa got chosen for Commander. Lexa and I became friends as we grew up." Kaylee said. Clarke nodded. "If you need anything, you can tell the guards and they'll help you."

"Thank you." Clarke told Kaylee before she left.

"Pro." (You're welcome.) Kaylee said and then left.

Clarke sat down and then started to eat. The food was the best thing she had ever tasted.

Lexa POV

    Lexa was sitting in her room, rubbing her temples. There was a knock on the door. "Enter." Lexa said. The door opened and Kaylee walked in.

    "You need to stop stressing yourself out." Kaylee said. "She needs time. Of course she's gonna hate you. You just kidnapped her and are holding her in Polis. I don't even think she hates you." Kaylee told Lexa.

    "She told me to float myself." Lexa complained.

    "What?" Kaylee asked.

    "I don't know, I think it's an insult." Lexa said, pushing hair out of her face. "I don't even understand half the things they say."

    "So you like a girl and barely speak her language." Kaylee asked.

    "I don't like her." Lexa said, completely lying.

    "Lexa, you spent the last couple weeks looking for her, completely ignoring your duties. When do you leave the room when your 'prisoner' asks you to?" Kaylee asked.

    "I didn't want Nia getting to her." Lexa protested.

    "You literally told the nightbloods to keep an eye out for her." Kaylee said. "And you got drunk after you came back from Mount Weather. Alone. In your room. You haven't gotten drunk since like I don't even know." Lexa groaned.

    "Shush." Lexa said.

    "I have to go do something." Kaylee said. "Also I told Clarke about you searching for her." Kaylee added and then left.

    "Kaylee!" Lexa groaned and then put her head in her hands. "I don't have feelings for Clarke." Lexa said to herself. Lexa thought of Clarke laughing and Lexa smiled. "Fuck, yes I do."


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