Chapter 1

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Kim Ari was looking out her airplane window just waiting for her plane to finally land after a long flight. She's been gone from Korea for a while she was even on her way to debuting had to leave for Australia on short notice. 

Gathering her bags from the belt she walked out of her terminal to see a man with a sign with her name on it. Walking up to him "Let me guess. My mother couldn't be bothered?" giving him a straight face. 

Not knowing what to say he stuttered a bit. Patting his shoulder "It's okay. Let's just go home I'm tired" the man nodded and the two made their way to a place Ari didn't think she is back so soon. Her driver helped with carrying her bags inside and getting settled. "Thank you, Mr. Lee I'll take it from here"

He did a small bow to her "If there is anything else I can help with let me know" giving him a warm smile he was dismissed. Closing the door Ari turned back to look at the house with her back against it gave a big sigh "Home sweet home" saying sarcastically. 

The following day she had not heard anything from her mother, not even a call or text to welcome her back. Ari was unpacking some of her things still when she suddenly heard someone opening the door. Wondering who it could be she steps out of her room to look down the foyer. 

"Ari, come here and give your mother a hug" opening up her arms. Ari scoffed "Don't act like you care when you don't." rolling her eyes as she went back to her room. Not much longer after that one of the housekeepers knocked on Ari's door to let her know that her mother wanted her downstairs for dinner. 

She took a seat across from her mother with a plate of food in front of her that was prepared by the in-house chef. Digging in without saying a word her mother was getting a little irritated at her behavior and just started off the conversation herself.  "So Ari, how was your flight?" "Fine" still not looking up at her. This continued on with one-worded answers only coming from Ari. "Well I wanted to let you know that I enrolled you in the high school nearby and you're starting next week"

Making Ari stop picking her food and glances up to meet her mother's eyes. "What? I thought I was going to be homeschooled?" furrowing her eyebrows together. "How am I going to have enough time to train and go to school?" narrowing her eyes at her mother. 

You see Ari's mother remarried when her father passed away which was something Ari could never forgive her mother for doing. She wasn't mad at the fact her mother remarried she was angry at how fast she moved on and how her mother doesn't even acknowledge her father at all. Ari had been training at her father's company for as long as she can remember and didn't want to stop. Her father was the CEO of the company Ari is training at and is to inherit the funds from it. 

Her mother scoffed "What is it with you and training it's not like your going to debut anytime soon. And besides, you're lucky that I got you into this particular school knowing why you left your last one." Her mother was referring to her trip to Australia she sent Ari there with some family in order for her to sort things out at home. 

Ari raised an eyebrow at her making her freeze up a little, "I told you I had things handled, but you just had to put your two cents in" back at her old school Ari was expelled for causing a huge fight with one of the other students. In which her mother failed to listen to Ari's side of the story and just immediately pulled her out of the school and sent her away. 

Ari wanted to continue with her training because it's the last thing that makes her feel connected with her past and especially her father. Standing up the chair pushed back behind her "You know the reason why I want to keep training. Stop acting as if he was never in my life or yours" leaving the dining room to go back upstairs to her room. Even though Ari has the money to move out she still needs to obey her mother due to her being a minor. As soon it's her 18th birthday she is packing up and leaving right away; wanting to be far away from her mother and stepfather as possible. 

Sitting on her bed some tears were forming and yet none fell. Her eyes were caught on a picture that was laying on top of a box. Taking it out to give it a look Ari saw the picture and just threw it across her room not caring if there was going to be glass everywhere on the ground. When she looked back at her wrist of a familiar bracelet and the meaning behind it just made her tear up even more. 

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