Chapter 8

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Seojun walks over to Ari pushing her hair of out her face "Are you okay?" when he did that it brought those memories of that day when she ran into Seojun after the bathroom incident with Dan Tae.  Ari has never told anyone the truth of what happened that day except for her mother.

Ari shook those thoughts out of her head "Yeah I'm fine. Thank you. All of you for coming to help" Ari looking at her friends. After leaving all of those guys behind everyone went their separate ways except for the remaining trio. Suho and Seojun wanted to make sure Ari would get home safe but knowing them it would be one or the other doing so.

Luck wasn't so much on Seojun's side that night being that he was asked by his mother to pick up some things on the way home. Leaving Suho to take her home which he didn't enjoy the thought of too much.

Calling for a cab Suho and Ari got in and it was mostly a silent ride for the most part. Suho kept looking down at her face seeing if there was some kind of emotion she was showing. Ari being the way she is never was one to let her true feelings surface.

Suho hesitating at first he takes the first action and holds on to her hand as a sign of comfort and that he's there for her. Without needing words Ari just held onto his hand.

The following day walking into class both Seojun and Ari happen to hear familiar voices in the office. Walking in Seojun saw his friends being yelled at for a fight at a karaoke bar. Knowing exactly what this was about he wasn't about to let his friends take the blame.

"It was me I was the one in that fight"

The principal pointing at him with a yardstick "You get over here and squat with them as well" Ari raised her hand telling him the same thing. Soon more of Ari's friends and even Suho joined in on the punishment. Next thing you know they were in the library left with writing "I'm sorry" for 5 pages front and back.

As she looked around at her friend she couldn't help but feel bad for putting them through this. "I'm sorry you guys."

"It's not your fault Han Seojun should be the one apologizing" Soojin looking at him who was laying his head on the table trying to sleep. "Those guys only ever tried taking advantage of her because they thought she was your girlfriend" Soojin adding on.

"Oh don't worry about it, Ari. I'm a professional" Sooah holding three pens together allowing her to write out the words faster. Getting up from position "You look fine...don't you have legs?" Seojun glancing at Ari. "Your acting like a jerk right now" knowing this was his way of talking when he's comfortable with someone. But Ari couldn't help and feel a little hurt. "They don't bother you again anyways so don't worry"

Raising an eyebrow at him "What? Did you fight them?"

"You think they are worth fighting? I would have beaten them to the pulp" making a fist scaring Sooaj and Taehoon into focusing on their paper. Him saying that just made her roll her eyes and scoff at him.

Looking from across the table Suho saw how slightly hurt she was by his words. Keeping in a mental note to ask her about it if she's comfortable.

Later after school Ari and her friends were at the library doing another study session. It had been a couple of hours when Sooah wanted to ask the girls something. "Do you want to go to another baseball game after our last exam? Hyung Jin is playing"

Soojin kept looking at her paper "I have a tutor session tomorrow"

"I might be free" Ari answered the girl. "Oh please please Ari I don't want to go alone" Ari thought about it for a second it would be nice to get out of the house and not have to worry about exams anymore.

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