Chapter 4

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Leading her over to the other side of school she cleaned herself up in the empty bathroom. Walking out Ari shyly walks up to Suho with his back facing her "Uh thanks for helping me back there." turning around she immediately regretted opening her mouth. "Hey, where's my helmet?" rolling her eyes she walks away from him back to her classroom.

All of her classmates greeted her confused about all of the attention thrown at her "I'm sorry" Hyun Gyu rubbing the back of his neck. "It's okay but if you do it again expect something coming" making him sigh in relief.

Walking back to her desk she saw Suho sitting at his desk acting as if nothing had happened. Looking at the clock she saw that there was still time before the next session starts. Ari grabbed her bus pass and made her way back to her house and grab the stupid helmet.

Seeing how desperate Seo Jun wanted it." If he wants the helmet so bad fine I'll go get it" getting home she quickly went to her mom's room to look around for her keys. Opening some drawers she finally found a safe with a padlock on it "Shit what the hell is her code" muttering to herself. Trying to think of what it could be it dinged in her head.

"Always so predictable mother" she entered the date of her father's funeral and it opened right away. Grabbing the keys she went to the garage and started to drive her way back to school.

Quickly pulling into the parking lot she ran to her classroom looking at the clock on the main building of the school. Seeing that she had 3 minutes to spare. Out of breath, she composed herself outside of the classroom hearing her fellow classmates still talking indicating that class hasn't started yet.

Walking to her seat by Seo Jun she stood in front of him "Yah Han Seo Jun" he turned his head. She shoved the helmet in his chest causing him to choke a bit. He looked down at the helmet and scoffed looking at the girl that took her seat by him.

The class continued on as normal Suho glancing over at Ari every now and then she didn't change her position much. Ari was desperately trying not to fall asleep.

In the cafeteria, all of the girls were sitting around a table enjoying their food until the three of them heard some commotion. Looking up Ari saw Suho and Seo Jun giving one another a staredown. "Oh god" she said to herself.

Getting up from her seat she walks over to the two of them even though she doesn't particularly have the best relationship with either of them she didn't want two people she still cares about beating the living shit out of one another at school of all places. "Let's not do this here" wanting to neutralize the situation. Seyeon would hate seeing them acting like this.

Back then when it was the four of them Ari was the one to calm down the fights/arguments. She didn't sign up for the role but she always somehow ended up being in the middle. Seo Jun didn't care anymore and pushed a food tray out of Suho's hand making the food go everywhere.

Suho put his hands on Seo Jun's collar looking into punching him but hesitating Seo Jun got out of his grip and punched him first. "Han Seo Jun!?" pushing him back.

She went to Suho's side and offered a hand to Suho and before he could take it the headmaster came in to see what all the noise was about. "What's going on?!!" causing everyone to go back to their seat except for the three of them. "My office now!" the three of them stood in front of the headmaster with arms crossed behind them.

"Why on Earth would want to start a fistfight on the school campus. You want to get expelled?" scolding Seo Jun. "Just because you took off some time for your mother you think you can act like a gangster now?" continuing on to question him.

Ari knew that had to hurt a little to Seo Jun "I started the fight sir" defending him. Making Suho and Seo Jun wonder why she would take the blame. "Ari-ah why are you defending him? No wonder why his mother is sick. I mean I would be too if my son acted like this"

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