Chapter 13

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Hoping some inspiration comes to her dance routine; she had been practicing some of the moves a little in the corner of the lounge area. Without her knowing Seojun's been watching her from a distance for quite some time and admired how much she truly is passionate about dancing. 

Ari took a seat by the bench to relax a bit and take a sip of her water. Seojun saw this as an opportunity to talk to her. Turning around Ari saw Seojun there "Oh hey Seojun. Are you on your daily stroll?"

"I guess you can say that" sitting down with her with his IV bag strolling along. "What are you dancing to?" Seojun leaning back with his good arm against the bench.

Brushing some flyaways from her face "Well you know that song that we made with Seyeon. The one that was being played before you know...that one" he nodded. "I've been wanting to finish it, but I haven't even practiced it in years until now." as if it was in their subconscious both of their hands found one another and their pinkies were touching. Neither of them moved away and just kept their conversation going. 

Seojun was paying close attention to what she was talking about and was genuinely curious about her hobbies. He has never felt like this around a girl; he didn't feel like he ever needed to show his hard exterior to Ari because she saw right through him. "Can I sign your cast?" looking down at his arm and back at him. Seojun hasn't let anyone sign his cast yet because if anyone's going to be the first he wanted it to be her. 

"Yeah, sure" acting as if he wasn't excited to have her sign it. "Okay" with a huge smile Ari pulled out a marker from her bag close by and started to write. Still focused on the cast Ari asked "So have you been singing or songwriting?"

Fake coughing to fill the silence "No not really. Not as much as I used to" looking back in the distance with the city lights. "Well if it encourages you I think you were great at songwriting." looking at him and Seojun turned his head to her. "There." pushing his arm back towards him so that he can read it Watch where you're going next time. The two of them chuckled at what she wrote and once it died down there was a bit of silence only white noise from the city and people talking in the hallways. 

The two of them were staring at one another as if no one else was around. Not caring about the noise in the background or anything. Seojun gulped and glances down at her lips and thought to himself if what he was about to do to it something he will regret. 

He leans in and their lips touched. For a moment Ari was surprised more than anything and started to kiss him back. The two started to kiss a little longer, but a voice in Ari's head comes to mind making her immediately pull away and put her hand on his chest. "What did I do something wrong?" Seojun panicking a little. Ari started to breathe really heavily "Uh no. I gotta go" 

Quickly stood up and made her way back to their room Seojun was concerned for the girl more than anything. Worried that what he just did could potentially just ruined their friendship.

Opening the door to their room scaring Suho a little bit Ari pauses for a second by the door and then starts to gather her things. "Ari? What happened?" getting up from his bed into his wheelchair.

"Nothing don't worry about it. Just something came up and I gotta go." shoving all her belongings in her bag in an unorganized way. Suho knew something was wrong seeing how frantic the girl was trying to leave the scene. Her eyes were getting watery and she didn't need to be questioned by either of them. 

Ari got all her things together about to walk about the door when Seojun came in running even with his IV stroller. "Ari" he breathed out.

"I gotta go. I'll see you guys tomorrow" and before the two of them could even try and stop her. All of Seojun's and some of Suho's friends come rushing in giving Ari the chance to leave without anyone stopping her. 

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