Game night bonding 2: [uh oh monopoly]

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Hey so basically I wrote this like ehhh a few days back for an anonymous prompt given to the @/the-keeper-crew blog on tumblr  (which you should follow because my comrades are funnier than I) and almost didn't post it here but decided you all need some food until the next round of pain coming at you (it's gonna be a doozy) 

This isn't really a sequel to game night bonding, more of a spiritual successor since I love writing the gang playing human board games   

Prompt: "Why don't you just kill me?" "Your punishment must be more severe"

Word count: 612

Warnings: none, I believe

Other notes: A gen fic? From me? How rare.


Fitz stared intensely at the game board. He had been staring intensely at it for the last ten minutes or so.

"Wonder boyyyyyyyyy," Dex whined, "do you want to buy the property or not?"

"Hush," he said, "I'm thinking."

"Yep, I knew it, Monopoly was the worst thing to introduce you all to," Sophie said, her words mumbled as she was laying face down on the floor.

Fitz stood up dramatically.

"I have made my decision!"

A chorus of relieved sighs sounded through the room.

"I am buying the property."

"Finally," Tam mumbled, collecting Fitz's money to put in the bank.

"Your turn, dear sister."

There was a challenge in his eyes as he handed Biana the dice. He had always been horribly competitive but these new human games Sophie brought around only encouraged his addiction to winning, he hadn't lost one yet, and didn't seem like he would as he currently had the advantageous position.

With a lucky roll she managed to not land on any of Fitz's properties, investing even more into one of her few.

"What's your game?" He said, clearly frustrated she wasn't taking the same approach as him.

"You'll see," She replied, handing him the dice.

He rolled, hitting one of Biana's extremely over powered properties, draining him of nearly all his funds.

Biana went again, landing another lucky roll, gaining 20 dollars.

She could see as the probability calculated in his brain, a look of dread came over him.

"Biana, Biana, why don't you just kill me? I think there's some icicles outside, you could definitely get away with it. Death with glory is better than living in shame."

"Your punishment must be more severe," She said with an evil smirk.

"You can have my dessert. Hell, I'll make homemade ripplefluffs every day just for you until you can't stand the sight of them. I'll-"

"Roll the dice, Fitzroy."

He sighed, and just as anyone could guess, landed on one of Biana's properties, officially leaving him with no money. Biana had won.

In that moment there were screams heard. Of triumph. Of defeat. And after the chaos was over there sat an overturned card table in the middle of Dex's room at Rimeshire.

"Man, capitalism is exciting." Keefe said from the couch.

Everyone laughed, minus the still-sulking Fitz.

Biana scooted over to him, knocking on his forehead like it was a door.

"Helloooo, Sir Pouts-alot."

He turned away, pouting harder. Biana just rolled her eyes.

Dex saw the exchange amd frowned, apparently thinking. He disappeared down the stair for a few minutes as everyone else (except Fitz) cleaned up their mess.

He came back up holding a tray in his hands.


Everyone promptly ran up to grab one, Fitz at the front.

"But-" he started, lifting the tray above his head "-only for people who can congratulate Biana for winning." He gave Fitz a pointed look.

He sighed, dragging his feet as he walked to his sister.

"Good job, you're better at being a capitalist human business woman than me."

She stuck out a hand.


"Truce," He said, meeting her handshake.

"And next time, we can do teams and crush all our enemies as a family."

He smirked.

"Sounds like a deal."

All of their friends groaned as they grabbed their cinnacreme.

"Before you guys try to crush your enemies..." Sophie said, pulling something out of her bag, "a movie. Not about capitalism."

"Darn," Keefe said.

They all gathered on a couch in front of a small T.V. half-cleaned Monopoly board long since forgotten as one by one they fell asleep, cups of now cold cinnacreme still in hand.

Another successful game night.

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