Pet shop Kam

650 19 23

About: human au, Keefe and Tam go to a pet store, fluff, Kam

Word count: ~651


Tam walked solemnly into the pet store next to the bouncing blonde boy. Their assignment was simple, go into the pet store and buy fish feed with the money that Mr. Forkle, their science teacher, had given them for the class pets. 

However, Keefe, Tam's infinitely frustrating lab partner, hadn't seemed to hear the instructions as he was now excitedly looking at every animal they had.

"Hey bangs boy!" He yelled across the store, "You gotta come take a look at this one!"

Tam let out an annoyed sigh at the nickname Keefe had given him but didn't say anything.

When he caught up to Keefe he saw that he was pointing excitedly at a colorful macaw. His light blue eyes seemed to shine as an employee came up to them as said, "Are you boys looking at Iggy here?"

"His name is what?" Keefe got even happier when he heard the bird's ridiculous name. Tam thought his smile would be enough to light up the whole world.

"Iggy." Said the employee. "He's our personal pet but he gets lonely at home and since my husband and I run the place he stays here with us. My daughter named him. He was half starved when she found him"

Tam found himself zoning out as the woman told the story but Keefe seemed to latch on to every word she said like gospel.

"Sorry for talking you boys' ears off. What are you looking for?"

"Fish fee-"

"Anything, really." Keefe cut off before Tam could finish his sentence.

"Oh, well you'll love this one then"

The woman walked them over the the reptiles aisle and Tam had no option but to follow.

She stopped at a tank containing a lizard.

"This is one of our blue tongued skinks, her name is Silveny. She was taken from the wild when she was young, so unfortunately she wouldn't be able to survive on her own out there."

"EDALINE, IGGY GOT OUT AGAIN!" Came a man's voice from across the store. Suddenly a mass of colorful feathers flew over them.

"Gosh dang it I could've sworn I locked his cage!" She turned back to the boys. "I'm so sorry I'll be right back!" She quickly ran off in pursuit of the escapee.

Keefe just continued to look at the lizard in the cage. He seemed entranced by the thing.

"I've always wanted one of these but my dad would never let me get one. I even ordered the tank and everything for one behind his back but he found out before I could get the lizard." For the first time since they got to the store Keefe seemed melancholy.

"Oh," Tam said, " you still have the tank?"

"Why would it matter? It's not like I'll ever be able to get one." The solemn look on his face was enough to break whatever was left of Tam's little emo heart.

"Well, my dads let my sister get some catfish as a pet, maybe they wouldn't mind a lizard."

"Bangs boy...are you offering that we father a lizard together?" Keefe got that annoyingly cute look of excitement on his face.

"I mean, sure. I'll house it and we can take care of it together."

Keefe suddenly picked up Tam and spun him around in a circle.

"Too far,"

"Yeah, sorry" Keefe blushed to a shade close to beetroot and rubbed the back of his neck.

The woman, Edaline, came back after the bird had been corralled and helped them check out. Including Silveny, the lizard, and the nearly forgotten fish food.

As they walked out, Keefe turned to Tam.

"You know, if we're gonna father this lizard together it means you'll have to put up with me a lot more. Like going over to your house regularly kind of more."

Tam let out an exaggerated groan to hide the dopey smile that would of formed on his face otherwise.  

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