Tam Can't Bake

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This one uses two prompts, one from hyperlollypop on Tumblr and the other from the titz week 2020 prompt list on tumblr, this was for the "baking" prompt (should I even include that? I came up with that prompt because I'm running the- whatever.)

About: Tam can't freaking bake, Tam x Fitz, fluffy 

Warnings: Alcohol/drunkenness mention

Word count: ~475 


Tam heaved a sigh as he knocked the flour off the counter with his elbow and all over the floor as well as himself. It only added the rest of the mess he had made in their kitchen.

He had never been a baker, but Fitz was having a rough week at work and Tam thought maybe if he made Fitz his mother's mallowmelt recipe he'd feel a bit better.

Turns out mallowmelt was a lot harder to make than pasta.

Just then, the door opened behind him.

"Sweetheart, I'm ho..." Fitz's voice trailed off as he saw the explosion of baking supplies. "Um, what happened, love?"

Tam put his elbows on the flour-covered counter and hid his face in his hands.

"I just...I just wanted to make you some mallowmelt because you were talking about how hard work was but-" Tam sniffed, holding back frustrated tears. "But it didn't work and it's all a mess now."

"Hey, hey, that's okay, come here." Fitz opened his arms and Tam gladly walked to his embrace. "It's the thought that counts. Come on, let's clean up a bit and then we'll make the mallowmelt together, alright?"

Tam nodded against his shoulder.

He felt silly for crying, especially over something so minor, but something about being so overwhelmed and the kindness of his boyfriend squeezed the tears out of him.

Fitz pulled him away and examined Tam with his hands on his shoulders.

"Actually, on second thought, how about we completely ignore the mess for a few hours and go to Havenfield to hang out with the animals?"

"I like that idea a lot better."

They both smiled and Fitz kissed him on the cheek before pulling away completely and saying, "Last one to the lightleap is a pile of gulon dung."

They raced up the stairs, leaving their mess to future them to deal with.


After a dinner with Sophie and Biana at Havenfield (they inherited the property after Grady and Edaline got tired of wrangling animals) Fitz walked into their door to make the unpleasant discovery of Tam's mess right where they left it.

Tam was...well a touch more inebriated than he intended to be and simply furrowed his brow at the mess when he trailed Fitz through the door.

Fitz led him up to bed, tucked him in, and got to work.


Tam woke up the next morning to a killer headache and a note on the nightstand.

"Tammy, I've already went to work because I figured you probably felt ill and I didn't want to wake you. There's a bottle of youth on the table downstairs next to breakfast, and some mallowmelt in the fridge. -F"

Tam smiled and rolled his eyes. Maybe his attempts to care for Fitz would work next week. Until then, he had some mallowmelt to eat.

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