Sick Day

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Prompt from tinys---blog on Tumblr

About: Marelinh, human au, fluff, Marella gets sick/sickfic

Warnings: If you have emetophobia/are just grossed out easily I would skip this one because it heavily mentions throw up in the start!

Word count: ~395


When Linh woke up, Marella wasn't lying in her normal place beside her in their bed. She was immediately concerned, and only more so when she heard retching from the bathroom.

She knocked softly. "Mare hun? Are you okay?"

"Yes I'm just-" More retching. "I'm just a bit sick is all, I'll be fine, I can make it to work."

Linh opened the door to see Marella hunched over the toilet, pale and a bit sweaty, probably from the throwing up.

"Dearest, you are not going to work today."

"I can do it, I'll be fi-" Her sentence was cut off by having to stick her head back into the toilet.

"Nope, you are due for my chicken noodle soup and a marathon of every Disney princess movie we can watch in a day."

Marella sighed, wiping her mouth. "Well I suppose if I absolutely have to eat the best soup known to mankind and watch cheesy movies all day I will, but you know, only if absolutely have to."

Linh giggled at her sarcasm.

"C'mon Lovebug, I'll do everything, just go get comfy on the couch." Linh leaned down to kiss Marella on the head, only wincing a little at the horrid smell of sick coming from the commode.

"Well, if you say so."


About an hour later, Marella laid curled next to Linh drinking her soup broth as they watched Beauty and the Beast.

Marella reached down and locked her hand with Linh's, gaining her attention. When their eyes joined, Marella mumbled "I love you, you know that?"

"I love you more."

"Oh hush, I'm sick, let me win this once."

Linh laughed and Marella leaned farther into her, using her shoulder as a pillow. Linh traced designs on her back until her breathing evened and she was quietly snoring.

Linh laid a gentle kiss on her head, she knew she wouldn't be able to get up for the next few hours. Her arm would probably go numb, but she didn't care. What mattered was her dearest was resting, she only seemed to be able to when she was unable to work.

Linh smiled down at the girl she was lucky enough to call her wife, hoping she'd feel better tomorrow. But also hoping for another harmless sick day or two. They had plenty of Disney movies to catch up on. 

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