They're gay disasters your honor

571 12 5

I'm trying to do this so quickly what do I usually put here I am a mess

It's fluffy sophiana, quite messy and short because @/a-lonely-tatertot on tumblr needed a pick me up

The prompt was also by them

Like 372 words

Ok here it is no tw's other than swearing and bad Russian I don't think

Sjsjjsjsj I'm normally more professional than this I promise lmao


 Biana looked down at the small device Sophie had given her. Learning to type on it took some practice but Dex had messed around it so the keyboard was in the enlightened language.

It took nearly an hour to type the small message, between her own anxiety and the struggles of typing.

"You own my heart."

Dot dot dot...

Dot dot dot...

Dot dot dot...

"Что, если бы я сказал, что моя твоя?"

"What does that mean?"

Dot dot dot...

"It's nothing, don't worry about it,"

"Is that a human language?"


Jeez, what else should she expect from Sophie. Confesses her love and she barely even acknowledges it. Biana smiled fondly.


Not 15 minutes later she knocked hard on the Dizznee's door. Her panic had grown in the short time.

"Biana what are you-"

She shoved the phone in Dex's face.

"Can you translate this?"


Soon enough they both stood in Dex's room as he typed away on a human computer. Biana was getting more anxious by the second.

"Well, according to something called Google Translate, that roughly says this,"

He scooted his chair back to show her the screen.

'What if I said mine was yours?'

Without another word she rushed down the stairs and out to the yard.

"Hey what was that for?"

"I'll tell you later! Thanks!"

Dex just shook his head as she lept straight to Havenfield.


Biana completely ignored Sandor's protests as she burst into Sophie's room, slamming the door behind her.

"I love you! Like a lot. And I didn't know how to say it and now I'm freaking out and holy shit why do you have so many stairs-"

She let herself pant a moment while Sophie sat stunned.

"I...I didn't know,"

"How? I literally said you own my heart,"

Sophie blushed.

"I um... I thought you were being nice,"

Biana hesitated for a moment.

"Do you feel the same way or have I just embarrassed myself?"

"Of course I do! I mean you're pretty and nice and funny and-"

She was cut off as Biana sat on the bed next to her and cupped her face.

"Can we just admit we're both gay distasters and kiss now?"

Sophie smiled.


Kotlc Oneshots [Parts 1-13 Pre Unlocked]Where stories live. Discover now