Chapter 4: Push or Pull

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I finally liked my outfit. I was wearing a white, flowy dress with a blue long sleeved jean jacket (in media). My hair was pulled back in an intricate up-do and my make up was all natural. I never liked a lot of make up, I usually just wore mascara and lip gloss/stick.

I spun around once more, grabbed my keys, and headed to the Italian restaurant me and Harry will be eating at. Don't get me wrong I was not at all excited to do thi s interview, but I was determined to make it the best experience it could be. After all, not everyday do you get to meet Harry Styles, even if you don't like him.

I was right outside the door of the Italian restaurant, I took a deep breath and pulled the door. But it wouldn't budge, I tried it again and it wouldn't open.

Then a voice behind me said "You have to push it, not pull," the guy pushed the door open.

"Oops," I said, then turned around to face the guy. No way. It was Harry Styles and the other band members were behind him. They were all wearing hoods and sunglasses so that nobody would notice them. You could only tell up close that it was them. I was frozen, I loved One Direction.

"Ok Harry, now we have to find your interviewer... what was her name again? Oh yeah, Christine Vendelz," said Louis. Get it together Chris, talk to them I thought.

"Come on guys, I don't want to do this," said Harry, "I hate reporters, they don't care about us. They-"

"Umm... actually I'm your interviewer, Harry," I said nervously as we started walking to our seats.

"Oh great," said Harry, "the girl that can't even open up a door is going to write an article about me," my face turned really red, it was an accident! Geez!

"Harry be nice," said Niall, "we are just going to go to the arcade across the street, you can come get us when your done, have a nice lunch!" I stared at them dreamily as they walked out of the restaurant.

"So let's get this over quick," said Harry, "I have better things to do then eat lunch with you," he glared at me. Who did he think he was to talk to me like that? Things were about to get nasty.

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