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Bright neon lights and fast white walls moving was all y/n could see with her blurred vision, a sharp beep pierced the eardrums, and the smelly air of alcohol and floor cleaner could be inhaled into that clear hallway.

"y/n!!" the voice of a young boy shouted her name "c'mon keep your eyes open!!" he plead her, continuing to look and hold on to the gray and cold armrest.

"Why is he running?"

"Were those tears on his cheeks?"

"Where am I?"

"y/n!!" the boy's voice called her name once again

"no! Let me go!!" he shouted at the two strong men that kept him from running to his dear. His red earring miming his struggling moves  "I can't leave her like that!! Please!" he screamed one more time, watching his friend on the hospital stretcher.

There were three nurses near y/n, all talking about heartbeats and blood pressure, but the girl laying between them all heard muffled words that made no sense at all.

"..ah..." her eyes looked defeated "so i'm here once again..."

"miss y/n! miss y/n!!" a nurse continued to repeat her name, but the girl was only curious about the blonde boy.

Then the memories played back through her mind, she remembered what happened at school.

She looked in so much pain. Her chest was hurting and her breathing was accelerating too much.

"Kou..." she mumbled, as her vision went blurry and felt herself falling asleep and the nurses sped up and ask quickly for a doctor.


welcome to this new book! I hope the Kou fans, simps and kinnies are ready for some angst and tears!

I don't have much to say, so...have a nice day/night to you all!!♡

(words: 287)

with all my heart, live. | k. minamotoWhere stories live. Discover now