ᴄʜ.𝟼 - ᴀ ꜱᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ᴠɪꜱɪᴛ

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Kou woke up in his bed, staring at the ceiling and with a slight pain in his chest. He put a hand on its left part, feeling the heartbeat coming from inside. It was steady and calm, though he felt like it skipped a beat every time he thought about y/n and what had happened to them the day before. As he was zoning out, suddenly the alarm rang and he flinched, he sat up and turned it off. "Oh..." he mumbled, realizing he overreacted; he sighed and got up from his bed. He stretched his arms and tidied his bed before walking to the bathroom and getting ready for school. As he brushed his teeth, he grabbed his phone to look at the time and noticed he was earlier than he expected it to be and he was already ready, so he turned off the device and put it on the sink and finished using the bathroom. Once he walked out he got to the kitchen and prepared breakfast and three bento boxes, one for himself, one for his princess, his little sister, and the last one for his brother. While he was putting the rice in the last lunch box, he began to softly hum a melody, it had no words, his memory didn't bring itself to remember the words of it but it was slow, yet melancholic and nostalgic. It was an old song someone used to sing to him.

Someone who cared a lot about him.

His mom.

Right when Kou thought of his mom's face, he stopped humming and many thoughts clouded his mind. He tried to think of something or someone else, but those thoughts did not abandon him.

On the contrary, they began to become more and more dense and complicated, until he felt a tug on his sleeve "why are you crying?" he looked down and saw his little sister, who was worried "o-oh..." the boy stuttered, wiping the tears away from his cheeks with the left forearm "it's nothing! See, your big brother is fine now!" he smiled at his sister and lowered to her level "I just thought of something bad and I didn't notice I was crying. You saved me, princess!" The little sibling smiled and proudly said "see? Princesses CAN save princes!!" Kou laughed a bit "sure they can. Here..." he said, standing up and giving his sister a cookie "...breakfast's on the table, you can go eat now" "yay!!" the little girl cheered, grabbing the cookie and running to the kitchen table. "Kou..." a male's voice called him "ah, Nii-chan! You woke up!" Kou smiled, greeting his brother, but he wasn't smiling and his eyes seemed to glow while glaring "...was that mom's song?" the older asked him. The lower figure opened his mouth to say something, but words seemed not to want to come out of his mouth. He gulped and turned around, so Teru sighed and walked to the kitchen table to have breakfast with his other sibling.

Kou finished preparing the lunch boxes and handed them to his siblings "I'm gonna go now" "why so?" asked Tiara "uhm...how do I explain..." he mumbled, trying to find the right words "are you going on a date with y/n-san!?" she excitedly asked, munching on her breakfast "AH! NO NO! IT'S NOT A DATE!!" he sighed and put a hand behind his neck "i'm just going to meet with them a little bit earlier than usual, that's all..." he cleared his throat and walked to grab his school bag and shoes "have a great day!" said his sister "you too, princess!!" he smiled, then looked at his brother "i'll...see you at school...bye." he said, feeling uncomfortable because of the question he asked before breakfast. The boy walked to the hospital, hoping he could enter and visit y/n, but once he got there the ladies at the front desk told him visiting hours wouldn't start until 10:30 in the morning. Unfortunately he would have to wait until early evening to visit his dear because at that time he would be at school and would not have permission to leave the facility until the end of the day.

As he walked to the gates, he noticed Hanako's figure standing in the garden, trying to catch some of the stuff the Mokke stole. He smiled and continued to walk in, reaching the main entrance that led to the middle school. After changing his shoes, he walked to his class and waited for the teacher with other classmates who walked in the same room just some moments after him.

with all my heart, live. | k. minamotoWhere stories live. Discover now