ᴄʜ.𝟷 - ᴍʏ ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇ ᴄʜᴀʀᴍɪɴɢ

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Y/n was a junior high school student, a normal fifteen-year old, and for the second time, their parents agreed to let her go to school.

That morning the sun was shining bright behind the soft white curtains of y/n's window, the gentle wind blew them and so their movements brushed lightly on the sleeping figure's cheek...that was what woke her up.

After some time, her stomach grumbled, so, she got up and walked to the kitchen to take a bite of whatever her parents decided to cook. "Good morning, sunshine!" her mother greeted the kid that walked in the hall of their apartment " 'morning..." she mumbled, not fully awake "how are you feeling today?" the mother asked the child who was now sitting at the table, and munching on a warm croissant, "ihm ghood" they answered, still with the food in their mouth.

"Oh, look who's up!" her father greeted y/n and smiled, then looked at the clock standing in the kitchen's wall "you should hurry, it's already seven and a quarter!" y/n looked at the clock and stood up, biting the last piece of croissant and munching on it as she walked to her room to get changed. "First day of school" they thought "I hope nothing bad happens..." they put a hand on their chest and sighed, then grabbed the school uniform and walked to the bathroom to get changed. Ten minutes passed and the girl was ready to go, her mother offered to bring her to school by car, but the daughter shook her head, nodding no. "ah, okay I understand. Just, please be careful, okay?" she said in a caring tone of voice "i'm going to be fine, mom, don't worry" y/n smiled and bid her parents goodbye "see you later!" her father smiled at her as y/n closed the door behind her back.

They sighed and smiled, then plugged their earbuds in the phone and played their favorite song. As she hummed the tune she noticed other students of her same school, and maybe grade, walking and chatting with friends, but one person grabbed her attention: a blonde, average tall, boy with a red pendant earring that moved to the rhythm of his footsteps. She recognized him, but she wanted to make a great entrance so she didn't call him or make him notice her presence. After a couple of minutes she was at school and entered the gates with the other students of junior high and high-school, walking to her class a teacher told her to wait because he wanted to announce the class the comeback of the old classmate. Y/n agreed and waited in the teachers' room, then some more time after the same older figure called them and told the student to wait out of the classroom's door. "Okay, okay, sit down now." the teacher clapped their hands and the students sat at their assigned seats "i want to make an announcement!"

The class was now very interested in the subject, and so silence surrounded in the room. "good, now you can come in!" he smiled and looked at the door opening slowly. Small and light footsteps entered the room, and everyone gasped and smiled, some even seemed to widen their eyes, especially a certain blonde boy. "Y/N!!" the classmates shouted and hurried to her, surrounding the classmate. They asked her way too many questions, such as "where were you?", "why did you skip a school year?", "were you home schooled?", "How was it? was it cool?" and many more.

"G-Guys, please let me-" y/n felt a bit too overwhelmed, but the same blonde boy threw himself into the crowd and looked at classmates "guys, give her a break!!" the teacher agreed and so everyone sat back at their own assigned seats. Y/n was still blushing a bit, because of the boy protecting her from the questions of the class. The same blonde classmate noticed her red face when she sat next to him, so he wrote something on his notebook's paper and gave them the ticket "are you alright? Your face is kind of red right now..." it said. Y/n turned around and looked at the boy "i'm okay, Kou, thank you" she smiled and so did her friend "okay, I just wanted to chec-" he was interrupted by the teacher "excuse me, Minamoto-kun am I interrupting your chat?" Kou apologized really quickly and met eyes with y/n and they both giggled.

The day went on and so y/n and Kou walked to the school entrance "ah, my shoes are that way, can you wait for me?" Kou asked y/n pointing to another aisle "hm? ah, sure!" they answered with a smile "great!! thanks!" the other student replied excited and hurried to change his shoes, so y/n did. The two met a couple of minutes later at the school's entrance and decided to walk together "ah, y/n-san..." Kou spoke up "what is it?" the girl answered, looking at him "can I.." he hesitated for a second, touching the back of his neck "can I walk you home?" he said, a bit embarrassed and blushing a little. Y/n was happy he asked her, because she was thinking of asking him but that might've seemed rude, so they just smiled and looked at him, smiling and nodding "alright, you can keep me company". The blonde boy looked at her and smiled, proud "then uhm...you'll have to guide me because.." he looked embarrassed "...i don't know where you live" he laughed nervously, as y/n stood silent, then laughed "weren't you supposed to be my prince charming walking me to the castle? ahah!!" they continued laughing "i-i am! It's just that i've never been to your place, since we met!" y/n looked at the road and giggled "alright, alright, i'll walk with the prince and he will walk with me, i guess!" Kou smiled and nodded. The two were silent for a couple of seconds.


they thought in unison and blushed red like tomatoes and walked in silence, a comforting silence.

Sometime later they arrived at y/n's place and so Kou looked at her, coughing lightly to clean his throat, "Well, the Princess arrived at the castle, my mission is complete" he smiled at y/n, who responded "yes you did, Prince Charming. But now I really have to get inside, I have to study a lot for tomorrow's test!" Kou's smile turned into a scared expression "TEST!!?" y/n laughed and looked at him "yeah, the english test!" the boy looked horrified "oh no, I-I really have to go now, y/n! I'll see you tomorrow at school! Bye bye!!" he said, running away "wait Kou can we-" but they were cut off by the boy bidding goodbye "...exchange numbers..." they sighed and smiled, looking at the boy running away as a light gust of wind moved her hair slightly.

"my Prince Charming..."

The student blushed lightly and walked in her house.


hi hi! Welcome back to this new book! Suffering will start in a couple of chapters, but do not worry because you will still need tissues, my dears!

thank you for reading until now! Have a nice day or night!!♡

(words: 1204)

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