ᴄʜ.8 - ʙᴀᴅ ᴛɪᴍɪɴɢ

78 10 5

TW: heavy sickness; puking.
(skip the part between "-", if it triggers you. stay safe<3)

The last three days in the hospital went by very quickly.
Y/n woke up, feeling the warm light on their cheek. They opened their eyes and blinked twice, adjusting their eyesight to the light coming into the room. The blinds were a little more open than usual, but she didn't mind. Y/n slowly sat up and yawned, stretching their back. She scratched her head and pushed the cotton covers aside, revealing her pj's, then she walked to the window and opened the blinds, letting the warm air and light of summer enter the room.
Y/n walked back to their bed and grabbed their phone, then they walked to the kitchen. "Oh, dear, you're awake!" her mother called her, noticing her figure. " 'morning mom" "good morning! Breakfast is already set on the table in the living room, don't let it get too cold" the adult said with a smile "mom it's so hot, i could've just drank some fruit juice..." y/n said, sitting at the table and looking at the decorated plate "oh dear no! You have to eat something for breakfast, your doctor said so..." she smiled, then walked to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek "mom has to go to work now, i'll see you this afternoon, okay?" y/n looked at her "where's dad?" they asked, as their mother was already at the front door putting on her shoes "dad? oh, he already got to work, he has a double shift. A friend got hurt falling down the stairs and he has to cover for his shift today, he'll be back later in the evening, though." The mother looked back at y/n, who had another question "am I going to be home alone?" she asked and the mother responded while taking out the car keys from her purse. "No, I called Kou so that he would check on you around lunch time!" The woman then hurriedly smiled and bid her kid goodbye.
As the door shut, y/n looked at the food in front of them. "What am I going to do with all of this? I'm going to puke it in a couple of hours anyway..." they sighed, knowing their condition wasn't the best, but at least it was somewhat stable. She took the chopsticks in her hand and started eating, leaving some extra food to eat for lunch. Slowly y/n took the plates and chopsticks and placed them on the kitchen' sink, while the remaining food was put in the fridge. The teenager then sighed and grabbed a bottle of water, bringing it to their room and leaving it on the bedside table as they laid on the bed and scrolled through social media until lunch time. There was nothing much interesting to see, so they switched to reading the news, but then again, nothing interesting happened so far, so they turned off their phone and sighed again. They put some hair clips in their hair and drank some water, then got to the living room and turned on the tv, watching an action movie.
As time went on and the film was getting to the best part, someone knocked on the door. "God damn it, the film was just at its best part! Y'all can't do this to me!" she thought, pausing the film and slowly getting up the sofa. The girl walked to the door and looked through the eyelet, seeing a familiar face: Kou's. She smiled and turned the key to open the door; she met the boy's light blue eyes and smiled "hi." they said together. Y/n giggled and told his friend to come in and so he did. "So..." Kou began talking "how's your mom doing?" he asked, trying to find a place where to put his bag "my mom's doing fine, she went to work this morning." They noticed Kou looking around. "You can leave the bag in my room if you want to, I'll wait on the sofa." she weakly smiled and walked to the sofa and sat down. Kou looked at y/n with a worried expression, but he walked to the bedroom and left his bag right next to the door, then he walked back to the living room. "So, are you hungry?" he asked, looking at his friend who was continuing watching the film "hmm...no, not yet. Hey wanna watch the film with me?" they asked and Kou smiled "sure! What's it about?" y/n smiled and in a couple of minutes explained the film and plot to the blond boy who sat near them, then they continued watching the film. The ending scene and credits rolled on the black screen; Kou looked at the clock and noticed it was almost 2:15pm "we should totally eat something!" He got up, walking to the kitchen. Y/n turned to look at him, who was tying the laces of the kitchen apron "are you going to babysit me?" "huh!?" Kou turned around, surprised by the question "y-yeah yeah, you wish!" he smiled "haha!" y/n laughed "a very charming babysitter, i have to say" they mumbled, turning back around and changing channel, not knowing Kou heard them. After some time, Kou prepared some good food, it looked very healthy and fresh. "I didn't know you could cook this well, Prince Charming!" Kou blushed lightly at the nickname "yeah, i cook when my brother comes back home and my little sister" "hah. malewife material." "Excuse me?" They both giggled at the comment, then began eating.

Y/n tried to eat more than usual because Kou was a guest and guests must be treated with manners, especially when it comes to the food they have cooked, but she wasn't feeling very well since morning, and the boy in front of her surely did notice.
"Hey, you ok? Your skin is pretty pale..." he looked at them, worried.
"y-yeah, sorry... The food's good, though." y/n tried to cover up the pain in their stomach and their throat.
"Thank you." The boy responded and paused, as he looked again at his friend "are you sure you're okay?"
"i don't-" Y/n felt their stomach growl in pain. They quickly held their mouth and stomach with their hands. "Y/N-!" Kou's eyes widened as he immediately reacted and got up. She slowly bended over to not let the fluid get out. The boy helped her get up by holding his friend from the hip. Once done, he helped them get to the bathroom in time before she had to regurgitate.

Kou was by their side, holding some strands of their hair to keep them from getting dirty. "ah damn...was my food THAT bad?? It's usually very good... it must be something else, then." The boy thought, as y/n finally finished puking in the toilet and flushing it down.

They began to see blurred, as tears were forming in their eyes "i-...i'm so...so-sorry" y/n said between some hiccups. Kou frowned; seeing in what weak state his dear was, made him realize how much more he wanted to see them feel better. "it's okay, it's okay.." he helped them clean up and got up with them, walking to the bedroom. "I'm gonna let you change, okay? You can hand me the clothes when you're done.." He said, smiling to reassure her. "okay, thank you..." y/n responded, closing the door of her bedroom. She grabbed a shirt and slowly changed, folding the shirt the other way so that her hands wouldn't get dirty. They grabbed a pair of sweatpants as well and wore them. "Are you okay in there? Do you need any help?" Kou asked, from behind the door "no, i'm fine, don't worry." Y/n answered, then opened the door. Kou grabbed the dirty clothes and threw them in the washing machine, then went back to y/n. He hugged them and they did the same. "I'm sorry you have to see me like this.." y/n mumbled, smelling Kou's cologne on his shirt "it's okay, don't worry. It happens. Wanna lay down? You must be tired." y/n giggled "yeah.." and so they both laid on y/n's bed.
Kou was hugging their friend, and his heartbeat was running like crazy. He was hugging. them. on their bed. That was one of the most beautiful days of his life, he certainly wouldn't have forgotten about it. The boy looked down, noticing the figure had already fallen asleep. He smiled and blushed lightly "rest well, Princess..." he whispered, then gave them a kiss on their forehead. He closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep as well.

welp! There you guys are! new chapter!!
woah this is pretty long, if you ask me...
but next chapter will be even LONGER, so get ready for the real pain >:)

have a nice day/night!!
love you, see you next time!!

p.s. votes?? please?? 🧎🏻

(words: 1,487)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2021 ⏰

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