ᴄʜ.𝟹 - ᴘᴀʏɪɴɢ ᴀ ᴠɪsɪᴛ

135 6 16

Kou woke up early in the morning. 

He shifted in the bed's covers and took his phone, looking at the time, but too bad the light was too bright and he had to close his eyes again. He squeezed his eyes, lowered the brightness and finally looked at the time: 


"It's a lot early..." he mumbled, disconnecting his phone from its charger. He scrolled through social media for some time, noticing some posts made by his classmates and cooking ones, then the boy looked at the time once again, looking at the thin black line on top of the screen and it was now 6:03AM. He stood up and stretched his arms raising them to the ceiling. His stomach quietly growled, so he decided to make pancakes for his family. He first went into the bathroom then, when he came back he was wearing his school uniform. The celestial eyed boy walked to the kitchen and wore a black paranance over his blue shirt and cream colored pants "Ok, let's do this!" He smiled determined and rolled his sleeves up to his elbow. 

He took the flour and sugar out from the kitchen sideboard, while from the fridge he extended his hand and grabbed the eggs and milk. He then started to make the dough. After a couple of minutes Kou took the black pan and placed it on the kitchen stove, turning it on and adding with a delicate touch the dough, making it take a circular shape. "Oh, so this is where the smell was coming from!" a male's voice spoke behind Kou. The short boy turned around and smiled "you finally woke up, Nii-chan!" he smiled as he took a plate and placed his first three pancakes. His brother smiled and with curiosity and hunger looked at the dish "Can I have some?" the older figure asked "You have to wait, Teru-nii! I still didn't make enough for all of us, so I don't want you to eat all of them yet" Teru looked at his brother and ruffled his hair, then walked to the bathroom "alright, alright, I'll come back and eat some later" he responded, then he yawned on his way to the bathroom. Kou smiled, then something tugged on his pants, so he looked down "goodmorning, princess! Did you get your beauty sleep?" He laid the ladle on the kitchen counter, next to the bowl that contained the remaining dough, and picked up his sister "Kou-nii! Good morning!!" The little girl smiled "Ah! nii-chan! The pancake!!" she pointed to the pan and Kou looked at it "AH! MY PANCAKE!" He quickly shifted his sister to his left arm and with the right one, he took the handle of the pan and flipped the pancake. "Yay!! It's safe!!" Tiara cheered, then her feet were back on the ground "can i have some??" she pointed to the yellow bowl "You will if you help me set the table!" The smaller girl nodded happily and hurried to the table; Kou smiled and turned around, finishing to cook.

Teru got back and the breakfast was already on his plate. It looked really nice: the pancakes were really golden and there were perfect brownish shades on them, strawberry jam and maple syrup were on the table near the orange juice and the milk that remained after making the dough was near the jam's glass jar "Woah this looks really nice, Kou'' he said with a calm tone of voice "but i think you really need to go now..." he pointed at the clock and it was indicating 7:25AM "I'M SUPER LATE!!" Kou exclaimed and ate fastly his pancake "phwincesh i'wll shwee wou wather!" The middle child spoke, high-fiving his little sister's hand and hurrying outside with his school bag. Teru laughed and took a pancake eating it "aren't you going to school, Nii-chan?" "I have to walk my princess to school, I can be late today." his sister smiled and took a bite of her pancake "can I get a piggy ride??" "of course!" her brother smiled.

Kou was hurrying to school, and as he swallowed his last bite he saw his two friends Yooko and Satou walking together. They greeted his classmate and formed a trio, walking together "Yo! Goodmorning Kou!" the brunette spoke "hi, Kou" Satou greeted his friend "Hi guys! Good morning!!" Kou smiled as they walked together. Along the way they decided to chat and talk about sweets and videogames, two completely different topics but somehow they got along together. Kou and his friends and classmates arrived at school and sat in their assigned seats, then the teacher got in and started taking attendance. "Y/n L/n?" There was silence in class, Kou looked up and noticed the desk in front of him being empty "Maybe they are late..?" he asked himself, then shrugged it off "I will have to take notes of all classes and then I'll lend her my notebook!!" he thought, determined and took his notebook out, listening carefully to the lesson and taking very detailed notes. 

Five hours of school seemed to pass by like a flash because the bell rang, signaling lunch break, so he closed his notebook and put it in his bag, noticing he didn't bring his bento "MY BENTO!!" he screamed and it looked like he was deflating in his chair, but luckily his friends Yooko and Satou offered him some lunch and candies "thank you so much guys" Kou smiled, crying happy tears. After lunch the day went on quickly and so the blonde boy sighed in relief; he took many notes and did his best to make it look neatly written. Then the school bell rang, pointing out that school hours had come to a conclusion "I wanted to say hi to Yashiro-senpai, but maybe i'll just text her, I can't meet her today..." he thought, as he grabbed his phone from his bag and opened Yashiro's chat and typed the text message. His fingertips tapping lightly on the screen, he sent the text and as he was about to put it back in his school bag's pocket, a notification sound caught his attention "don't worry, Kou-kun! We can meet tomorrow! Have a great day!!" it read. Kou smiled and stood up, fixing his notebook in the bag and walking to the school gates. He sighed, clenching lightly his fists and walking past the marble columns, well knowing that his destination would not be his home, but y/n's.

The average-tall boy arrived at her house, he walked up to the doorstep and knocked on the door "who's there?" asked an adult woman's voice "this must be y/n's mom..." he thought, then he sweated cold, swallowing that little bit of anxiety and fear that seemed to block his voice from coming out of his throat "it's Kou" his voice cracked a bit "i'm y/n's classmate!" he stated, then the door opened "ah, so you're THE Kou! Y/n told me about you!" The old woman smiled and so did Kou, as a soft blush was placed on his cheeks "please come in!" the mother figure invited the boy in. Kou took off his shoes and wore some slippers, thanking the woman, "y/n is in her room, down the corridor on the left" he nodded and thanked her again then he headed to his friend's room. When he arrived he took a deep breath and knocked on the door. "Come in" y/n soft voice spoke behind the door. Kou smiled, opening slowly the door and closing it as soon as he entered the decorated room "h-hey Kou" y/n adjusted herself, sitting on the bed, still under the blankets and warm covers "hi y/n" the boy smiled, noticing the girl's red-ish cheeks "how are you doing?" "oh it's...just a cold, I'm sure tomorrow I'm coming back to school!" she reassured him. He looked at her with caring eyes "okay, if you say so!" he smiled brightly "I took some notes today" "notes?" "yeah, you know...because you weren't at school today?" he looked at her, taking his notebook from his bag "aw, Kou..thank you so much!" she smiled "though, the teachers must have asked you if you were feeling okay because you never take notes in class!" y/n admitted, giggling "H-HEY!!" Kou responded, but then he thought about it "yeah, our math teacher actually did ask me if I was feeling alright, today." he bluntly said. Y/n looked at him and laughed, covering their mouth. Kou looked at them in awe, not noticing any imperfection in their details. He gently grabbed her hand and moved it a bit, as y/n stopped laughing because of his action "your smile is really pretty, you shouldn't hide it..." he smiled kindly, then realized what he had just said "I-I MEAN YEAH YOUR SMILE IS CUTE BUT- WAIT NO I MEANT THAT-" he stuttered, not making a single phrase have sense. Y/n blushed and smiled, feeling their heart jump into their chest, so did Kou's. "I-I HAVE TO GO NOW!!" the boy left the notebook on her bed and sprinted back to the house's door. "THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LETTING ME IS, MRS.L/N!!" he said loudly, then took his slippers off and changed his shoes, walking out of the appartement and hurrying home. 

"What was...THAT??" he thought, looking at his hand "youR SmiLE is REallY PReTty You shOuldN't Hide iT!!" he mocked his own voice, making a duck's beak with his hand, opening and closing it. "That was so embarrassing..." he mumbled, walking home. Some time later he arrived and his brother was waiting for him "how's your girlfriend?" he asked, mocking him "she-" Kou blushed red "SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!!" 

there was a moment of silence 

"...yet" the older brother added. Kou grabbed a pillow and threw it at his face, making the two laugh.

"...yet..." Kou thought, smiling at the thought of having y/n to his side.


hi guys, how are you doing? It's currently 12.20 pm here and I just finished writing and editing this chapter! To all who saved this book in their reading list, I hope your pillow is cool both sides and your charger works every angle🥰

see you next time!

(words: 1706)

with all my heart, live. | k. minamotoWhere stories live. Discover now