ᴄʜ.𝟸 - ᴀ ɴɪᴄᴇ ɴᴀᴘ

190 10 12

The morning after the first day of school, y/n felt in her guts a feeling of doubt and danger. She didn't know why, but she still went on her day trying to brush off those weird feelings.

The student was walking to school when suddenly they felt drops on their head and decided to take cover under a café's tent "damn...where's my umbrella?" They asked themselves "I can call Kou!"  then took their phone out of their pocket and realized "I don't have his phone number..." she thought out loud, pouting "whose phone number don't you have?" a familiar voice said, then y/n looked up to see Kou "Kou-kun!!" she said, smiling "good morning!" He greeted her with a toothy smile. Y/n felt her cheeks getting warmer "can we...exchange numbers?" she asked, and Kou nodded, handing her his phone, then his friend grabbed it and started typing a line of numbers "thank you!" the boy smiled and waited, then looked at her and noticed something "huh? Don't you have an umbrella, y/n-san?" he asked. The other student handed him his phone and shook her head, nodding no "we can share! This umbrella is pretty big anyway!" he smiled and so did y/n, accepting the offer "sure, now let's go or we'll be late!" she smiled and walked under the umbrella near Kou, who blushed lightly and began walking side by side with his dear classmate.

"Kou-kun..." y/n called him "yeah?" he looked at her "I woke up feeling weird this morning, so if anything bad happens..." she began fidgeting with her fingers "...can you stay by my side?" she didn't look into his eyes because she was looking at the road. Kou blushed like a tomato and his chest grew, filled with emotions and surprise "S-SURE!!" he said, a bit too loudly and y/n looked at him, smiling and laughing. Kou was admiring her, as a soft smile was placed on his lips. The bell of the school rang and so Kou took y/n's hand "c'mon, we have to hurry!" he said, starting to run and y/n followed him under the umbrella.

The girl tightened the grip on his hand and smiled.

A couple of minutes later they got to school in time, but they were both wet because of the rain. "y/n-san!!" Kou called her, panting because of the run "you're soaked!!" he smiled and so did y/n, feeling really tired "y-...yeah" she seemed in pain, gripping on her chest "you...too, Kou-kun!" she smiled "hold on, I think I have a t-shirt in here....somewhere!" he said, looking in his bag "a shirt?" y/n asked him "yeah, it's because we're having P.E. today!" "no, we actually have P.E tomorrow..." y/n corrected him "for real?" "yeah..."

The boy looked in his bag and looked shocked "I BROUGHT THE WRONG BOOKS!!" y/n smiled and laughed at him "can you pass me the shirt?" they asked, and so the other student handed them the garment "here you go!" "thank you". After trying to dry themselves with a t-shirt, the two walked towards their class and when they arrived they sat near each other "Kou-kun, if you come a little closer we can share my book" y/n looked at him and smiled kindly. On the other hand the blue-eyed boy  was blushing and simply nodded, moving a little closer to y/n's table and seat.

Time seemed to pass faster since Kou sat next to y/n, so much that it was already lunch time and next period their class had to take the "oh-so-waited" english test. "y/n-san please help me with this one!! I don't understand anything about english!!" Kou pleaded y/n, who was eating the rice that was in her lunchbox "I could help you, but at what price?" she asked smoothly "I-...I can give you a kiss??" he said, obviously not thinking first "I don't know, just please help me!!" y/n stopped in her tracks and looked at Kou "...you will?" the boy realized and looked away, blushing "i mean, if you're okay with it..." he mumbled. "Okay" y/n was eating again "i'll help you during the test." Kou was really excited, so he thanked y/n and hugged her "thank you, thank you, thank you!!" he repeated "okay you big baby, now let's go back to class, the bell already rang" Kou apologized "ah right! Sorry!" and so they walked back to class.

The teacher was giving the test papers while suggesting to look closely and pay attention to all the questions. "they're a lot easier than i thought..." y/n thought, then they decided to look at Kou and they swore they saw their friend's soul leave his body. He sure didn't know anything about the subject... Y/n sighed in embarrassment and as soon as the teacher turned around they gave their friend a piece of paper with some of the exercises' answers and he thanked her with a wink. The girl blushed lightly to this action, but went back to complete the test.

Half an hour had passed since the beginning of the test, but y/n felt strange because while writing, she could feel her hand getting weaker and so having a hard time holding the pen. A couple of minutes later her chest began hurting a lot, and so was about to ask the teacher if she could go to the bathroom. She tried to raise her hand, but her vision was getting blurrier and blurrier. "y/n? are you ok?" Kou called his friend, and some classmates turned around to see what was happening, but y/n closed their eyes and were about to fall "y/n!!" The boy let go of his pen and paper and hurried to grab them before their body could hit the wooden floor. The teacher told a classmate to go call the school's nurse and so he did. "y/n! y/n please answer!!" Kou was really worried and so were his classmates; the whole class stood silent, waiting for the nurse to take y/n with her. When she arrived she told them not to worry because she was going to take care of the situation "please, I need to see how they are doing!!" "Minamoto-kun, finish the test first, then you can go see her." the teacher answered, so Kou went back to his seat and wrote his name, last name and date on the white paper sheet and handed it to the teacher, who was left without words because he was risking an F just to see his friend. "here! now can I please go!?" Kou asked, determined to see y/n so the adult sighed and nodded "thank you, sir!!" Kou hurried then to the infirmary.

When he arrived y/n was peacefully sleeping. "Is she okay?" he asked the nurse "yes, but she needs to rest... You see, she seems to be really tired... Do you perhaps know if anything that included using too much energy happened?" The woman kindly asked. Kou was deep in thought, grabbing with his index finger and thumb his chin, when he looked up and nodded "yeah, we were sharing my umbrella this morning and the school bell rang but we were late, so I kinda took her hand and ran with her" he explained to the adult "ah, I see...Please avoid putting her under too much pressure and/or too much training or...you know, agility activities from now on, okay?" she kindly smiled. The student was listening to her explanation and nodded "can I...stay with her until she wakes up?" he asked "you can stay until this period ends, but then you'll have to go back to class. I'm sure you'll find her awake by the end of the day" the nurse then got up and walked out of the infirmary, leaving the two students alone. "y/n..." he mumbled her name, then walked closer to her and sat on the chair near the bed she was laying in. "you sure did scare me back there in class..." He looked at her and moved a strand of hair from her cheek, caressing her cheek carefully. "about the kiss..." he mumbled, then smiled "...I don't think I can give it anymore, I gave the teacher a blank test paper ." he laughed nervously then looked serious. He leaned his head on his arm, that was on the mattress and intertwined his fingers with y/n's "....please wake up..." he mumbled, slowly drifting to sleep with the girl.

Some time after y/n woke up and felt better. "hmmng...where am I?" she mumbled, looking around while rubbing her eye. "ah, this is the school's infirmary" they thought, then looked to the side and saw their friend asleep "heh...you sure are my Prince Charming." they smiled and leaned closer to the boy, giving him a quick peck on his forehead. That's when he woke up. "hmm..." he mumbled, then looked up and saw y/n smiling "y/n!!" he hugged her "hi, Kou" "why did you faint like that!? You scared the hell outta me!!" he asked her, well knowing why "maybe it's because i ran too much this morning..." she explained "y-you see I'm not very used to training and racing!!" she laughed awkwardly "it's okay..." he smiled "oh, by the way it's almost six, we should probably go home..." y/n pointed to the clock "SIX!!?" Kou looked scared "I SLEPT THIS MUCH!??" y/n looked at him in surprise and stood silent "YOU SLEPT THE WHOLE TIME!!??" the two looked at each other and busted out laughing.

"Okay now Prince Charming, let's go grab our stuff so we can go home." y/n stood up and so did Kou, agreeing to what his friend said "yeah..." he blushed a little


hi hi hii!! welcome to this new really long chapter! I hope you enjoyed it so far!

as always, thank you for reading! see you next chapter!♡♡

P.S. i'm publishing this during class, I hope I don't fail lmao

(words: 1652)

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