ᴄʜ.7 - ᴅᴏᴄᴛᴏʀ'ꜱ ɴᴇᴡꜱ

65 4 1

Y/n woke up in the morning, sweating. They sat up, noticing they couldn't breathe much.

These last few days it felt like the air was missing, it was hard to breathe.

After some time, she calmed down and her breathing frequency slowed down at a normal pace. She sighed and laid back on the white hospital bed. Someone knocked on the door, so y/n looked at it, noticing the familiar figure entering the room: the kind nurse from the day Kou visited. "Good morning, y/n-san. How are we feeling today?" She smiled, sitting on the blue armchair next to y/n's bed "it's alright...i guess." they responded, looking at the ceiling. "hm, good to know...I have your hospital card here with me, and also some good and bad news." Y/n turned, looking at her "what's the bad news?" They were worried, but also curious to know their situation. "Ok, so...your dyspnea is getting a bit worse: there are more fluids in between your lungs than there should be, so it might be hard to breathe sometimes..." the nurse continued, as y/n nodded, knowing the feeling because they experienced it right some minutes before "...and if your situation gets worse, you could feel this 'hunger' for air, but of course, this is only in the worst scenario." The nurse looked at y/n, smiling "Have no fear, you're far from that."

Y/n sighed in relief, noticing she was holding her breath all this time. There was a moment of silence, before y/n asked the good news. The nurse smiled and flipped the page, reading something and opening her mouth to speak up "you'll be able to go home in less than a week" she smiled kindly, as y/n relaxed and nodded, happy to hear the good news. "Though..." the nurse began, standing up and adjusting the pen in the pocket that was placed on the right side of her gown. "...visit hours will be shortened, you need to rest more." The patient listened and nodded, without saying a word. "Oh, by the way, your parents are probably coming over to visit you this evening. They told me to inform you." The adult smiled and after bidding goodbye to y/n, she walked out, closing the door behind her back. The patient looked to their left, noticing the shutters were slightly open "...I want to see outside." y/n mumbled, slowly standing up and grabbing the stick that held the drips, which they used as a support to walk to the window and press the "up" button. The electronic shutters moved and the sun's light flooded the room. It looked early, so the girl glanced at the clock on the wall that faced the bed: 8:32am. Yup, too early.

She slowly walked back to the bed, sitting on it. Y/n looked at the phone's screen, which lit up a moment before the eyes met the device. Filled with curiosity, they grabbed the phone and read the notifications


goodmorning y/n!!

How are you doing? Feeling better?? Me and Yashiro are currently out at the mall, do you want anything? We can bring it to you when we come to visit!

Y/n smiled, as their heart and chest filled with a warm feeling, something that they couldn't really describe, but it was really...nice.

They laughed and replied


good morning, Prince Charming!

I woke up a little while ago, I'm doing ok.

nurse said I'll be back home in a week or so, but I have to rest a lot

...soooo less visits :/

She sent the message, she was sorry to send the message with the bad news, but she eventually had to tell him. He didn't respond immediately, y/n thought it was because he was walking around the mall, which was correct.

Kou was walking through the corridors, looking at the various shop windows and holding some shopping bags that contained items from some of the stores they had already visited: video games, photography and clothing shops. Yashiro was walking on Kou's right, smiling and chatting with him "so!" she began talking "how's y/n? Any good news?" The girl smiled, hoping in a positive response "hm..not really." The boy said, sighing "y/n told me they'll get back home in a week, but since she has to rest a lot, we can't visit as frequently as we used to..." "oh no, I'm sorry to hear that... Well, we can always chat and make phone calls, right?" Yashiro said in a cheerful tone. Kou smiled and nodded, "yeah, you're not wrong. I just hope whenever we text I'm not disturbing any visits." "She probably won't answer if she's busy, so...!" the girl didn't get to finish the phrase, Kou had already understood what she wanted to imply. Sometime later he looked at his phone, noticing unopened messages from y/n; he decided to read them and respond.

with all my heart, live. | k. minamotoWhere stories live. Discover now