6 - fragile

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John, Lydia, and Arthur all arrived outside Lydia's house to drop her off. Tommy arrived just seconds later, storming towards her door before Lydia could get in. He stood with his back to the door facing her, preventing Lydia from entering. 

"Listen Lydia, I'm sorry. I am. I got there in time though didn't I?" Tommy said lowering his head to try and meet Lydia's eyes. 

"Don't bother apologising Thomas, I know you don't mean it. All you care about is bloody business, no matter who you hurt in the process." Lydia said avoiding eye contact, not wanting to be enticed by his ocean eyes. She pushed past him and quickly entered her house and locked the door behind her. 

Freddie soon appeared in the hallway and dropped his packed bags on the floor after noticing Lydia crying. 

"What's up? What's Tommy done now?" He asked after hearing Tommy calling for Lydia through the door. 

"Nothing to concern you Freddie. I assume you're leaving again?" Lydia asked taking note of her brother's packed belongings, he nodded to answer her question.

"What you think I can't handle Tommy Shelby?" Freddie asked his sister. 

"No you can't. I'm having trouble myself and I'm twice the man you are." Lydia replied making her way up the stairs. 

"You and Ada need to leave Birmingham sooner rather than later if you don't want to get arrested." Lydia added as she entered her room, unsure if her brother could still hear her through her weak voice. 

Lydia woke up once again feeling hazy. She hadn't left her bed in the past two days. She still felt dirty from Kimber's touch. Lydia was entering the same state she was in last year after the attack. The state she struggled so hard to get out of. Lydia knew she needed to get up, but every part of her remained heavy. 

Lydia drifted in and out of sleep throughout the rest of the night, that was until she was woken by loud footsteps coming up the stairs. 

"Freddie? You shouldn't be here." Lydia muffled into her pillow, too tired to lift her head. Her door was opened and Lydia turned to notice Polly's slim figure stood in the doorway. 

"Goodness me." Polly said noticing Lydia's pale face and fragile state. 

"Polly? How did yo-" Lydia whispered but was interrupted.

"John gave me his key to your house. I found out what happened." Polly said sympathetically as she sat on the side of the bed next to Lydia, stroking her hair gently. 

"John and Tommy had an argument, and after I heard what I needed to I came straight here dear." Polly explained. Lydia simply nodded in response. Hearing Tommy's name pained her, part of her didn't want to speak to the man, but another part of her wanted him next to her instead. 

Polly who was fully aware of what happened to Lydia last year and yesterday so took on the responsibility of not letting her go back to that dark place in her mind. Leaving the room, Polly started to run Lydia a bath, knowing it was a first step in the right direction to making Lydia feel better. 

As the young girl stepped into the bath, Polly noticed her frail figure from standing behind. It pained Polly to watch someone who she recognised as her family be like this. As Pol gently washed Lydia's back, Lydia started to feel cleaner from Kimber's touch, if only the bruises around her wrist weren't there as a reminder. 

"Tommy means well dear, he really does. He's just oblivious of others, most men are." Polly joked slightly in an attempt to lift the mood.

"I know, I know." Lydia sighed knowing Polly was telling the truth. 

"John wants us all at the Garrison, said he's got something important to announce. Is that ok dear? I'll be right beside you the whole time as will John, and you don't even have to look at Tommy if you don't want to." Polly said as she helped Lydia dress into something other than John's old oversized clothes. 

"That's fine Pol, I'm curious as to what John has to say, what could be this important for us all to be there?" Lydia replied attempting to sound confident in her voice, almost trying to convince herself more than anything. 

Polly nursed Lydia further, tenderly applying subtle makeup to her eyes and cheeks, making her seem more awake than she actually was. The pair soon left Lydia's house and headed for the Garrison. Walking with Polly, arms linked gave Lydia newfound confidence she didn't have previously. Lydia knew she would have to see Tommy at some point so she thought better sooner rather than later, especially since Pol had fixed her looks up once again. 

As the women strutted down Watery Lane, Lydia prepared herself to see Tommy and prayed she wouldn't be dragged in by his ocean blues. Upon entering the Garrison they were greeted by the usual smell of liquor and the nonchalant eyes of the regulars. 

Grace and Lydia both noticed one another simultaneously, Lydia kept eye contact until the blonde looked away. Lydia wasn't going to let Grace get the best of her. Walking through the Garrison the women entered the private room and were knocked back by the cloud of smoke formed by the Shelby brothers.

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