8 - grenade

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Tommy stormed out of the betting shop and quickly headed straight for his car. His eyes widened at the sight of Lydia and Finn sat in the passenger and driver's seat. He stopped directly in front of the car, wary of wires lying around. 

"Finn. Lydia. Both of you stay exactly where you are." Tommy said holding out his hand in front.

"What is it Tommy?" Lydia asked, looking at the concerned look on his face. 

"I was pretending to be you. Me and Auntie Lyds were playing Peakies and Coppers." Finn giggled pretending to steer the steering wheel. 

"Lydia which door did you open to get in?" Tommy asked, slowly stepping forward. 

"We just climbed in, what's goin' on Thomas?" Lydia asked sternly, now getting worried.

"Just the both of you climb out, exactly the same way you climbed in. Okay?" Tommy said edging closer to the pair and ignoring Lydia's questioning. 

Finn abruptly climbed across the car laughing as he does so. He slid across opening the door and Lydia quickly followed.

"No! No! Finn!" Tommy shouted as a hand grenade fell next to Tommy's feet. He instantly threw it as far as possible in the opposite direction. 

"Clear!" Tommy shouted as the grenade is in the air. He turned back to Lydia and Finn who were dumbfounded as to what was happening. Tommy wrapped his arms around the pair tightly and firmly held them as he kept his and their heads down. As the grenade exploded Lydia and Finn flinched under Tommy's hold causing him to tighten his grip. 

"Holy shit." Lydia whispered, attempting to contain her breathing as she stood up straight once again. Tommy loosened his hold but didn't let go, he grabbed either side of her face and looked down into her enticing emerald eyes, and kissed her forehead firmly. The relief that neither Finn nor Lydia was hurt allowed Tommy to sigh deeply.

Being able to hold Lydia once again gave Tommy comfort and peace, even the smell of her perfume gave him a euphoric feeling. Tommy soon bent down to the youngest and most innocent Shelby brother who was still panting from the shock. 

"Now Finn, that is why you should never pretend to be me. Okay?" Tommy said to Finn, quickly turning back to Lydia, glad she hadn't been hurt anymore because of himself. 

"Lyds I'm so sorry, I'm sorry for everything. Are you okay?" Tommy said still panting. 

"It's fine, I'm fine Tommy." Lydia said as she internally forgave Tommy for what happened with Kimber.

As the sky turned dark in Birmingham, the Garrison filled up with working men from the factories and the gang of the Peaky Blinders. Arthur was behind the bar pouring shots left right and centre, getting Lydia and John more intoxicated by the minute. Tommy sauntered into the pub later than usual, yet still had the effect of silencing the workers around him for a moment. 

The pub quickly erupted into chatter once again as Tommy headed over to his brothers and Lydia. John laughed as he watched Lydia nearly fall off her bar stool for the second time in the past thirty seconds. As she sat up vertically again, another shot was placed in front of her by Arthur. Lydia reached forward to grab it off the bar, but it was swiftly taken out of her hand by Tommy who stood behind her and John. 

"Hey mister, that was mine!" Lydia groaned turning her head to point at Tommy. 

"Well from what it seems, you've had quite enough." Tommy said drinking the shot, completely unphased. Lydia rolled her eyes in response and then giggled uncontrollably due to her inebriation.

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