19 - normality

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After days of recovery, Lydia was finally able to walk properly, however Tommy was still worried. Lydia remained upset that she had missed John's wedding due to Tommy's orders, and was still yet to meet his new wife Esmé. She couldn't believe her best friend was married.

Lydia and Tommy had been sleeping in the same bed since her kidnapping, not that she was complaining and it gave Tommy some piece of mind knowing she was right next to him, meaning he could protect her. It had been an unspoken thing, it was just a given that they now shared a bed, like a normal couple, which is just about the only normal thing about their relationship. 

Lydia woke and turned to see Tommy buttoning up his shirt in front of the mirror. "You're looking very dapper Mr Shelby." She announced.

Tommy turned and smiled at the yawning girl wrapped in a duvet. "Morning, the races are today, and before you ask, no you cannot come. Firstly Kimber will be there and I don't want you anywhere near him, and secondly you're still not fully recovered." Tommy explained. Lydia rolled her eyes in response and let her body flop back into the bed. She knew it would be futile to argue with him over this.

"However, you'll still need to get dressed because we've got a family meeting to attend, and then after that, you can spend the day with Ada, Polly and Esmé." Tommy added, as he walked over to the side of the bed and offered his hand to help Lydia get up.

"Tommy, I'm not a child, I can get out of bed myself!" She scolded him, as Lydia stood she gave him a quick peck on the cheek, before walking to the bathroom.

"Right I've brought you all here today because this is the day we replace Billy Kimber. This is the day we respectable, the day we join the official national association of racecourse bookmakers!... But first, we do the dirty work, we're going to Worcester races. Now Kimber thinks we're going there to help him fight the Lee brothers, but thanks to the efforts of our John and his lovely new wife Esmé, the Lees are now our kin." Tommy announced to the Peaky Blinders in the betting den.

"And what about Kimber himself?" John questioned with his arm hung around Esmé's shoulders.

"I'll deal with Kimber." Tommy replied, Lydia rolled her eyes at his comment. Soon the room was empty aside from the women of the family and Tommy, who was strutting his way over to Lydia with a cigarette hung between his lips.

"When will you be back?" She asked him, looking up at his eyes. 

"What, is this how it's gonna be eh? You waiting up for me at home saying 'what time do you call this?'" Tommy chuckled as he brushed his thumb over Lydia's cheekbone.

"Just don't do anything stupid okay?" She replied, resting her head on his chest as he embraced her.

"How can I? You're taking all stupid with you" He joked causing Lydia to laugh along. Tommy left the betting den and headed to the Garrison with the rest of the Peaky Blinders. 

The women headed next door to Poll's, Karl was passed around the women as each of them cradled the new born, Lydia could barely believe she was an actual aunt. 

"I wonder which of you will be next, who will give me my next grand niece or nephew?" Polly joked as she pointed between Esmé and Lydia. Everyone irrupted in laughter.

"Don't even go there Pol." Lydia joked back. Yet Polly's comment did make her question her future with Tommy.

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