15 - canal water

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As Tommy and Lydia entered the Garrison together after returning home to allow Lydia to get dressed into a simplistic navy dress, she was quick to notice Madison and John at the bar together. Lydia rolled her eyes at the sight. As did Madison as she saw Lydia enter the pub. Madison knew she stood no chance with John or any of the Shelby brother's for that matter, with Lydia there.

John was quick to turn around to see his brother and best friend, he left Madison at the bar without hesitation and walked over to the pair. John sauntered over in an exaggerated cocky manner, swinging his arms dramatically; causing both Tommy and Lydia to chuckle. 

John immediately bent down and kissed Lydia's cheek just as he routinely did. This angered Madison who was watching from afar. The three then all walked to their private room together, prepared for a night of drinking. 

"What's this about a new doctor in town then Lyds?" John asked his friend as they all sat down together with Arthur who was already there. 

"Oh well, he's moved from Liverpool, his name is Jack and that's about all I know." Lydia explained as she took a sip of her drink. 

"Bit weird that innit? Why the bloody 'ell would he want to move to Birmingham?" John queried.

"Not sure Johnny Boy." She replied. Tommy was left pondering about the new doctor's reasoning for coming to Small Heath, he was certainly going to find out one way or another. 

The conversation continued as usual; Arthur teased John about Lizzie Stark and their near marriage and Tommy simply admired Lydia as she laughed along. He thought she was truly beautiful when she was laughing as if nobody was watching. 

Tommy opened his cigarette case, took one out for himself and then proceeded to offer the girl in front of him one. Lydia placed the cigarette between her plump lips as she allowed Tommy to light it for her. 

The alcohol in Lydia's system had made her slightly giddy; she reached over to Tommy and grabbed his cap and placed it on her own head. It tilted to the side as it was slightly too big. Tommy chuckled at her as she giggled. 

"What do you think Arth? Do I suit it?" Lydia asked the eldest Shelby brother. 

"Lookin' lovely as always Lyds." Arthur compliments her. As she laughed Lydia leaned slightly into Tommy, causing him to place his hand on her thigh under the table. As his hand traced along the inner of her thigh Lydia gasped slightly at the tingle between her legs. 

"Anyone remember the time Freddie pushed our Lyds in the canal when she couldn't bloody swim." John reminisced, interrupting Tommy's and Lydia's unspoken interaction. 

"Yeah fuckin' hell that was years ago. Lyds or Tommy might not agree but I found it quite funny." Arthur added. 

"It was not funny, I could 'ave drowned if it wasn't for Tommy." Lydia said. 

"It was fuckin' freezing that canal." Tommy added.

"I remember." She replied. 

"You never thanked me for that Lyds." Tommy said.

"Sorry Tommy, but I was just too busy throwing up dirty canal water." She argued sarcastically and laughed.

Madison was left at the bar drinking alone, as she took her shot Grace noticed her annoyed expression. 

"John Shelby huh?" Grace asked Madison after noticing the pair talking. 

"If only." Madison scoffed. 

"It's that Thorne girl, she's got all the Shelby brothers wrapped around her little finger" Grace gossiped. 

"She always has done." Madison said raising her eyebrows as they gossiped.

"I can never get a word in edgeways to Tommy without him leaving to see her." Grace explained leaning on the bar countertop. 

"Tell me about it, it's the same with John." Madison replied.

"You know we could help each other out if you'd like?" Grace asked with sinister motives. 

"In what way?" Madison questioned, instantly interested. 

"Well, you want time to speak with John and me with Tommy, without her in the way." Grace explained.

"Yes, but that's not gonna happen." Madison replied.

"But what if Lydia was otherwise occupied?" Grace suggested.

"In what way?" Madison questioned, interested in what Grace could have to say.

"Well, I know people who could just... keep her engaged for a little while." Grace explained without the details.

"Sounds like a plan to me." Madison smiled smugly, not necessarily caring for details.

"Well, I must make a call then." Grace grinned at the blonde. 

"Right boys, I'm off to use the bathroom." Lydia announced as she stood up.

"Don't be too long sweetheart." Tommy whispered for only her to hear, he lifted his head to look at her and gave her a wink, to which Lydia smirked at. Everything was finally falling into place for both of them. Tommy's eyes lingered at Lydia as she left the room, this was noticed by his brothers. 

"I think Tom 'ere has fallen for our Lyd eh John?" Arthur announced, grinning as he did so.

"He's always liked her, even before the war. Isn't it obvious?" John replied nodding towards Tommy, who simply ignored the comments and took a drag of his cigarette smugly. 

As Lydia walked through the pub multiple men nodded at her, lowering their caps. She was always well respected by most of the men in the Garrison due to her affiliations with the Shelby brothers. 

Before she was able to reach the ladies room, her wrist was caught by a hand. Lydia looked up to see the familiar face of Madison. It almost frustrated Lydia how beautiful she was if only she was the same on the inside. Lydia rolled her eyes at the sight of her ex-best friend. 

"What?" Lydia snapped at the blonde. 

"Can we talk? Just please hear me out? Let's go outside." Madison asked, with hidden sinister motives. Lydia reluctantly obliged, rolled her eyes and walked out of the pub following the girl ahead.

The chill of night instantly hit Lydia causing her to shiver, she was certainly wearing the wrong outfit for the weather. The street was dark and the pair were the only people in sight as everyone continued to drink inside the pub. 

Lydia was only able to turn and quickly glance at Madison before a hand is gripped over her mouth from behind. Lydia couldn't scream. Her eyes became wide as she watched Madison turn on her heel and re-enter the Garrison. A painful hit to the head by something metal caused blackness to cloud her eyes before she quickly fell limp and unconscious. 

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