12 - nightmare

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Lydia opened the door to Tommy's office ready to face who had broken in. His blues met her greens. 

"Fucking 'ell Lydia. Put the gun down will ya?" Tommy asked holding out a hand warily in front of him.

 "Jesus Christ Thomas, I thought you were somebody else." Lydia panted. Her shoulders dropped as she relaxed. 

"I was just...just watching Arthur, he was in bad shape before and I didn't want to leave him alone." Lydia explained walking back into Tommy's office, he quickly followed behind. 

"You okay Lyds?" Tommy asked due to her coldness towards him. 

"Mhm" Lydia replied nodding as she gently stroked Arthur's face. 

"Well, why don't I believe you then?" Tommy said as he woke up his brother and draped Arthur's arm over his shoulder. Lydia didn't answer at first. 

"Lydia." Tommy added as the three of them left the office and headed out of the betting shop.

"Why was Grace in the shop today?" Lydia replied coldly as she locked up the shop. 

"I hired her. She is going to help with the accounts." Tommy said avoiding eye contact. They soon arrived at Arthur's house and let Arthur in, he was now able to walk but just not straight. 

"Don't we already have somebody for that Thomas?" Lydia asked as she wrapped her coat around herself, the night's wind chill caused a subtle blush on Lydia's cheeks and nose. 

"Yes but Grace is better at it." Tommy bluntly replies. The tensions were high between the pair as they continued to walk down Watery Lane. 

"Are you sure you didn't hire her just because she is nice to look at, or just because you wanted a shag, Thomas?" Lydia asked raising an eyebrow at him. Tommy scoffed at her remark. 

"Do you know what Thomas? Go fuck off to Grace, I'm sure she'd be happy to see you!" Lydia shouted as she stormed away, back to Tommy's house, which she practically lived in too. 

"Lydia will you just wait? Hear me out?" Tommy shouted after her.

"Oh bugger off Thomas!" Lydia shouted back. 

"Fine then, I will go fuck off to Grace! And do you know what, maybe I'll fuck her whilst I am at it too!" Tommy exclaimed.

"Fine then!" Lydia replied. 

"Fine!" Tommy shouted back.

"Fine!" Lydia shouted louder as she got further and further away. 

As soon as she arrived home, Lydia immediately recognised that she overreacted, she also immediately regretted what she said to him. Without hesitation, Lydia went straight upstairs to her room and wrapped herself in her covers. She pondered over her feelings towards Tommy and wished that he didn't have so much control over her.

Tommy stumbled down Watery Lane after drowning himself in whiskey at the Garrison, he hadn't done exactly what he said he would, however, he had kissed the barmaid. He instantly regretted it and attempted to blame it on the alcohol. 

Tommy questioned why he kissed Grace; when the only person he wanted was Lydia. He fiddled to unlock his door as he prayed that Lydia was home. Tommy lumbered through the door and eventually reached the stairs, which he then tripped up but finally made his way to the top.

Before entering his own bedroom, he quietly opened Lydia's door to check she was there. Much to his relief, she was. He admired her peacefulness as she slept. 

As Tommy lay in his own bed the sound of the shovels against the walls ringed in his ears. Even the alcohol wasn't enough to stop it. He tossed and turned throughout the night, flashbacks of the war clouded every thought.

It's always been you- Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now