who asked who out...

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yumeko: she asked you

since that first date, you had gone on three more with yumeko. the second date was to the movies. the third was another picnic and the fourth, the one you were on now, was to a gambling den much to your dismay.

you had left while yumeko was in the middle of a match, not wanting to be around the middle-aged men who seemed to leer at you. yumeko had ended the match as quickly as she could when she noticed you slip out and ran after you, quick to catch up.

neither of you talked as she walked you home. you had your hands in your coat pockets with your eyes set on the ground, refusing to look at her while yumeko wouldn't take her eyes off you. she wanted to talk to you but didn't know what to say with you looking so annoyed at her.

"i'm going in." you opened the gate to your home, pausing when yumeko grabbed your wrist to stop you from going inside. stopping you from leaving her is what she was thinking.

"i'm sorry," she finally said as she turned you around to face her, grasping onto both your hands as her eyes searched yours. "i didn't think you'd be uncomfortable, i'm sorry! i only wanted to impress you! and...and i was nervous so i went somewhere that makes me less nervous to make this easier."

your eyes narrowed in curiosity, head tilting slightly as you waited for yumeko to continue. you didn't want to interrupt her in case it did make her more nervous. "i like you. a lot. i have for a long time and i'm sure you like me..." yumeko trailed off, waiting for your reaction. gaining a nod accompanied a small smile, she carried on. "will you be my girlfriend, y/n?"

"i'd love to, yumeko, but no more gambling dens."

"got it!"

mary: you asked her

you sat opposite mary at her home, nodding whenever she looked at you for confirmation that you were paying attention. she had forced you here after school, telling you that she was going to teach you the basic rules of the most popular gambling games and the most common cheats so that you wouldn't be tricked when in a gambling match. though you knew all of these already you still let her talk, enjoying how she seemed so passionate when talking about gambling. her eyes lit up despite her serious front and it entranced you.


"yes?" you shook your head free from your thoughts, giving a sheepish smile when mary glared at you. she started to lecture you but you weren't paying attention. you were much too focused on how beautiful she looked in that moment with one question on your mind. "mary."

"...and i am just trying to help-"


"what? i swear it better be important-"

"will you be my girlfriend?" mary's mouth dropped, eyes widening as her body seemed to freeze up. you raised a brow, pondering if you should throw something at her to snap her out of this trance. mary shook her head so hard you thought her neck might've snapped. before you could ask if she was okay, you were met with a pillow to the face.

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