the first date...

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yumeko: she took you on a picnic and stayed till the sunset

"y/n here!" yumeko was waving her arm around to get your attention. you smiled when seeing her and joined her on the wooden bench. "hi."

"hey," you chuckled. "so what are we doing today?" yumeko had refused to tell you her plans for the date. she gave you a location and a time and that's it. she didn't even tell you if you had to dress formal or casual, leading you to worry before going with casual and hoped for the best.

"over there," she said, turning and pointing behind the bench. you didn't notice it before but she had a picnic set out for the two of you. on the blanket were plates filled with food. there was a bag of strawberries, a plate of small jam sandwiches and croissants. there were small pastries on another plate and two slices of cake on another. on the side were two bottles of lemonade. you had no idea how the two of you were going to finish all that but you appreciated the thought. you turned to her, smiling as the sight of her hopeful face. "well, let's go!"

. . .

the two of you had been at the park for two hours now. the food was already finished and as yumeko sat under a tree to shade herself from the sun, you played with some of the dogs that had been taken to the park.


"hm?" you turned to yumeko, your arm pausing midair from you about to throw a stick. there were a crowd of dogs at your feet, tails wagging eagerly as they waited for you to throw one. "what is it, yumeko?"

"it's about to be the sunset. come here?" you smiled and threw the sticks, letting the dogs run off before you jogged to yumeko. you sat next to her and she instantly cuddled into your side. "did you like today?"

"i did," you said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her closer, letting her head rest on your shoulder. yumeko tilted her head up to look at you with hopeful eyes. she reminded you of the little dogs you had been playing with, with their eager appearances.

"does that mean we can go on another date?"

"of course."

mary: she took you to a drive in movie and then a small diner (pretend she can drive idk idk)

you could tell mary was nervous as the two of you sat in her car. she had taken you to a drive in movie and her knee was bouncing as they waited for the movie to start. each time you tried to talk to her she would jump and dismiss it by saying the movie will start soon. with a partial language barrier, it wasn't easy for you to talk to her.

you reached over and took her hand in yours. mary turned to you with wide eyes and you flashed her a smile. it didn't take any words to get your point across. that mary shouldn't be nervous. that you didn't mind what you were doing.

mary sighed and let her shoulders drop. she gave your hand a gentle squeeze and turned her attention to the screen just as the movie started.

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